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RBI Considers Participation in Hypo Group’s Bad Bank
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Published: October 18, 2013; 12:53 ♦ (Vindobona)
In a radio interview with “Ö1”, Karl Sevelda, CEO of Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI), announced that he regards a particpation of his bank as possible.
RBI Considers Participation in Hypo Group’s Bad Bank / Picture: © Raiffeisen Bank International AG / Press Photo
Currently a downsizing-model for the nationalized problem bank is being assessed. Sevelda assured that RBI was in a premium condition. However, in regard to the current austerity measures which are under way, Sevelda pointed out that just like any organization, RBI had to keep an eye on expenses from time to time.
Through an efficiency enhancement program, RBI’s CEO plans on…
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