Austria to Raise Capital of up to € 30bn

Politics ♦ Published: December 6, 2013; 10:38 ♦ (Vindobona)

In 2014, the Austria state will raise capital in the amount of € 28bn to 30bn from international capital markets. This year around € 29bn were raised.

Austria to Raise Capital of up to € 30bn / Picture: ©

According to the finance plan published by the Austrian Federal Finance Agency (ÖBFA), € 22bn to € 26bn will go on state bonds from the total amount of € 28bn to € 30bn. In an interview with daily newspaper “Kurier” head of ÖBFA Martha Oberndorfer pointed out that the Austrian state only pays 1.5 percent in interest rates for new borrowings, which is a new record low. The…