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RBI: Sevelda to Remain CEO unil 2017
People ♦
Published: September 23, 2013; 13:22 ♦ (Vindobona)
Karl Sevelda, who was appointed new CEO of listed Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI) at the beginning of June, does not regard himself as interim head of the bank.
RBI: Sevelda to Remain CEO unil 2017 / Picture: © Raiffeisen Bank International AG / Press Photo
According to Sevelda, the contract is effective up until 2017. “I will fully exercise this [function],” Sevelda said in an interview with daily “Österreich”. On the question if RBI was in a difficult situation, Sevelda declared that RBI was not worse off than other banks. “Okay, we still have € 1.75bn in participation capital from the state which is recognized as core…
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