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Newsletter: The Crisis Is Changing Austrian Business and Politics
Austria to Ease Anti-Corona Measures from Mid-April

The drastic Austrian measures in the fight against the coronavirus are to be gradually eased after Easter.

Coronavirus in Austria: Update
The coronavirus pandemic has also hit Austria, and deaths and infections caused by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are still on the rise. New officially confirmed cases of disease are constantly being added. Despite this outbreak in Austria, the situation looks much worse elsewhere. In contrast, however, there are more than 610,797 deaths worldwide due to the Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). The Austrian health authorities are networked with the relevant bodies within the framework of WHO and EU membership and are in permanent coordination. The international authorities monitor current developments and address the member countries with the following recommendations.

Self-Sufficiency in COVID-19 Mask Production

A first step towards Austrian self-sufficiency in mask production for medical protective equipment was taken. In future, it should be possible to produce up to 500,000 corona protective masks of the "Made in Austria" brand every day.

Tyrol Lifts Coronavirus-Quarantine

Tyrol is still under massive criticism and threat of a class action lawsuit from Germany and some Scandinavian countries because the authorities in the Tyrolean ski resort of Ischgl took quarantine measures very late, although warnings from these countries had already been issued. Today Tyrol's Governor Günther Platter announced during a video press conference that Tyrol would end its self-isolation.

AmCham Austria Appointed New Executive Director

Susanne Reisinger-Anders has already been in charge of marketing for two years and now succeeds Daniela Homan as the new Executive Director of the American Chamber of Commerce in Vienna.

Coronavirus in Vienna: Update - July 20, 2020
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has also hit the metropolis of Vienna hard and the number of infected cases and unfortunately also deaths is constantly increasing. It must also be assumed that an unknown number of people who do not suspect this has already been infected. Medical science does not yet know the virus exactly. What is known so far is that in 80 percent of the cases the infection is mild. The mortality rate is currently three per cent, compared with just under one per cent for influenza. What is the Vienna Pandemic Plan? What is the situation in Vienna and what can be done individually? Questions and answers on the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) below.

In an Age of Global Disasters: What is the Task of the Incident and Emergency Centre?

The coronavirus pandemic has probably made it clear to everyone that people and countries should protect themselves better against unforeseeable or potentially fatal dangers, be they virus pandemics or nuclear and radiological incidents and emergencies, regardless of whether they arise from accident, negligence or deliberate act. The Incident and Emergency Centre in Vienna as part of the IAEA is the global focal point for international emergency preparedness, communication and response to precisely such incidents and emergencies.

India and Slovak Republic Rejoin Global Research Institute IIASA

The two former member countries India and Slovak Republic have rejoined the international Research Institute "IIASA - International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis" in Laxenburg near Vienna in recognition of their mutual benefits of scientific collaboration in a broad field of activities of global concern and interest.

IAEA: Rapid Detection of Coronavirus through Nuclear-Derived Technique

The Vienna based IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency is dispatching a first batch of equipment to more than 40 countries to enable them to use a nuclear-derived technique to rapidly detect the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.

The Corona Crisis has the City in a Stranglehold, but Meanwhile You Can Experience Vienna Through Virtual Tours