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Newsletter: Incoming US Ambassador arrives in Vienna after 16 Months
US Ambassador Traina Arrives in Vienna: "Austria is one of America's first friends"

The new US Ambassador to Austria, Trevor Traina, grandson of Wiley T. Buchanan, the former US Ambassador to Vienna (1975 - 1977), has arrived in Vienna with his wife Alexis. In his first statement, he underlined the close bilateral relations between the two countries: "Austria was one of America's first friends and we are here to remind everyone how important that relationship still is today - over 180 years later."

Iran Talks Back at the Palais Coburg in Vienna

The struggle for the prolongation of the nuclear agreement with Iran continues. On Tehran's initiative, the Joint Commission is meeting in Vienna at Palais Coburg to discuss measures to support the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) on the Iranian nuclear program. Tehran wants to decide on compliance with the nuclear deal in the coming weeks.

Trevor Traina Accredited as New US Ambassador in Vienna

The new US Ambassador to Austria Trevor Traina presented President Alexander Van der Bellen with his letter of accreditation at the Vienna Hofburg.

Who is Johannes Peterlik, Secretary General Designate at the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs?

The current Deputy Head of Section V for Cultural Foreign Relations of the BMEIA Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Dr. Johannes Peterlik will take over the function of Secretary General for Foreign Affairs on 1 June 2018. The current Secretary General Dr. Michael Linhart becomes Ambassador in Paris.

Meet the New Ambassador of the Republic of Tunisia to Austria: H.E. Mr. Mohamed Mezghani

The new Tunisian Ambassador to Austria Mohamed Mezghani presented his letter of accreditation to President Alexander Van der Bellen at the Vienna Hofburg.

Harald Mahrer: Economic Chamber Has 8 Million Members

In his inaugural speech, the new President of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Mahrer, calls for more leeway for companies and the further development of the social partnership into a partnership for the future and announces an education offensive.

Meet the New Ambassador of the Republic of Angola to Austria: H.E. Ms. Teodolinda Rosa Rodrigues Coelho

The new Angolan Ambassador to Austria Teodolinda Rosa Rodrigues Coelho presented President Alexander Van der Bellen with her letter of accreditation at the Vienna Hofburg.

Austrian Airlines Celebrates 60th Birthday

Austrian Airlines Österreichische Luftverkehrs Aktiengesellschaft was founded on 31 March 1958. This week, 2,500 guests celebrated the 60th birthday of the red-white-red airline in the hangar at Vienna Schwechat Airport.

Meet the New Ambassador of the Republic of Panama to Austria: H.E. Ms. Annabella Guardia Escoffery de Rubinoff

The new Panamanian Ambassador to Austria Annabella Guardia Escoffery de Rubinoff presented President Alexander Van der Bellen with her letter of accreditation at the Vienna Hofburg.

VieVinum 2018: International Wine Festival at the Vienna Hofburg