VSE Vienna Stock Exchange

CEE Exchange “Open to Merger of Equal”

The CEE Stock Exchange Group, which includes bourses in Vienna, Budapest, Prague and Ljubljana, said it’s open to holding “merger of equals” talks with the Warsaw Stock Exchange (GPW), its biggest rival.

March 13, 2012

Stagnation at Vienna Stock Exchange

At the moment, the Viennese Stock Exchange (VSE) has no new IPO´s to announce. The atmosphere in Vienna would be not investment-oriented enough, market observers say.

March 13, 2012 · Updated: March 13, 2012; 19:11

ATX: Upgrade of Immofinanz

The Austrian real estate company was included into the ATX top five. CEO Eduard Zehetner: 'This should have a positive effect on the share development'.

March 7, 2012

Drastic Decrease in Stock Market Turnover

In February, stock market turnover was down by 28% at Vienna Stock Exchange. In January, trade decreased by 35% compared to January 2011.

March 2, 2012

Prague Stock Exchange and CCP.A to Cooperate

Prague Stock Exchange (PSE) and Austrian clearing house Central Counterparty Austria (CCP.A) signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the cooperation in cash markets.

February 20, 2012

Vienna Stock Exchange Cooperates With Eurex

With Eurex derivatives exchange, Vienna Stock Exchange wins a new customer.

February 16, 2012

Rise in New Bonds Listings at CEESEG

Boom in new bond listings still going strong, CEE Stock Exchange Group says.

February 1, 2012

Takeover of Ljubljana Stock Exchange Completed

The Austrian CEE Stock Exchange Group widens its stake in the Slovenian Ljubljana Stock Exchange to 99.85 %.

January 21, 2012

New Management at Vienna Stock Exchange

Birgit Kuras is the new Member of the Management Board of Wiener Börse AG.

January 18, 2012

Central European Gas Hub Sets a New Record in Gas Trading

Trading volume of the Austrian gas hub rose to 40 billion cubic metres in 2011. This is an increase by 15% compared to the previous year.

January 13, 2012

„Vienna Is One of the Most Undervalued Stock Exchange in the World“

According to the investment funds manager Alois Wögerbauer, Vienna has a huge upside potential.

January 12, 2012

ATX: Andritz Becomes Number 4

The Austrian technology company Andritz could raise its weight in the prime market of the Austrian Traded Index. Erste Group and Raiffeisen lost massively.

January 7, 2012

Substantial Decrease in Stock Market Turnover

The Vienna Stock Exchange recorded a decline in stock market turnover by 18% in 2011. This is also due to new taxes.

January 2, 2012

Vienna Stock Exchange Expects Volatile Year for Stock Markets

The ATX recorded a drop of 34,87% in the year 2011. Trading volume was down by 18%.

December 30, 2011

Difficult Search for Investors at Wall Street

Austrian companies try to find new investors in the U.S. The relatively small size of Vienna Stock Exchange and the euro-crisis make this difficult.

December 8, 2011

Austrian & CEE Investor Conference 2011 in New York

15 companies from Austria and CEE will participate in the conference on 28 November.

November 25, 2011

VSE Cooperates with Montenegro Stock Exchange

Vienna Stock Exchange and Montenegro Stock Exchange sign agreement on data vending cooperation.

November 16, 2011

Changes in the Board of Budapest Stock Exchange

Michael Buhl takes over as CEO in addition to his functions at the Vienna Stock Exchange and the CEE Stock Exchange Group.

November 11, 2011

Austrian State Print Office to Go Public

Shares of the State Print Office (Österreichische Staatsdruckerei) will be traded by November 11 in the “standard market auction” segment.

November 7, 2011

Schaller New CEO of RLB Upper Austria

Heinrich Schaller will succeed Ludwig Scharinger as CEO of the regional Raiffeisenlandesbank. Scharinger retires, but becomes consultant for RLB.

October 24, 2011

Companies Have Recovered from the Last Crisis

Revenues and profits of Austrian listed companies increased, while the number of employees dropped in 2010.

October 21, 2011

UniCredit is Optimistic For ATX

Despite several uncertainties, UniCredit sees the potential of a positive long-term development for the Austrian main index ATX. The new ATX target is 2700 points for the next 12 months.

October 11, 2011

New Index at Vienna Stock Exchange

Vienna Stock Exchange launches Top Dividend Indices for the ATX, CECE and CEESEG Traded Index today.

September 20, 2011

Slovenian Blue Chips to Double List at Vienna Stock Exchange

In order to align with international capital markets the Ljubljana Stock Exchange wants to offer Slovenian companies the chance of double listing.

September 16, 2011

Hungary Bourse President Resigns

Hungary's Budapest Stock Exchange President Mihaly Patai submitted his resignation Monday, state news agency MTI reported. This step is mainly due to disputes with the majority owner, the Austrian Vienna Stock Exchange.

September 6, 2011

Vienna Stock Exchange Launches New Sector Indices

The new indices cover stocks from basic industries, consumer products and services, financials, and industrial goods and services

September 1, 2011

Stock Market Forecast: ATX at 2,350 Points at Year End

The expected year-end value of the Austrian index was revised downwards from 3,000 to 2,350 points. Analysts predict continued weak development well into 2012.

August 13, 2011

“Keep Cool and Look Forward”

Alois Wögerbauer, Executive of 3 Banken-Generali Investment-Gesellschaft m.b.H., gives his view on the current situation at the Vienna Stock Exchange.

July 26, 2011

austriamicrosystems to Be Included in SIX Swiss Exchange’s SPI Middle Index Basket

Inclusion of the Austrian microelectronics and semiconductor manufacturer in the SPI Middle index basket becomes effective September 19, 2011.

July 21, 2011

“Capital Gains Tax Has a Strong Negative Effect on Private Investment Volumes”

Erste Group Research expects a moderately positive performance for the ATX in the second half of 2011. Top picks: OMV, RHI, Immofinanz, voestalpine, AMAG, Kapsch, Polytec, AT&S.

July 20, 2011

Significant Decline in Stock Exchange Turnover

Trading volume at the Vienna Stock Exchange has fallen dramatically in the first half of the year. The negative development is blamed on the capital gains tax on securities.

July 5, 2011

ACP Says No to IPO

The Viennese IT service provider has ruled out an IPO for the next two to three years as the market environment is “not suitable for medium-sized companies”.

June 27, 2011

Almost One Million Shareholders in Austria

Compared internationally, the Austrian population has a very low interest in the stock market. Only 13% invest in shares or funds.

June 21, 2011

Vienna Stock Exchange with Satisfying Results and Changes in the Supervisory Board

Heimo Scheuch and Andreas Brandstetter will succeed Wolfgang Reithofer and Konstantin Klien in the Supervisory Board of Wiener Börse AG and its parent company CEESEG AG.

June 16, 2011

Massive Drop in Trading at the Vienna Stock Exchange

Trading volume slumped by 42% to € 4.4bn as a result of the new capital gains tax on securities. The proportion of Austrian investors fell to 26%.

June 9, 2011

Austrian Companies on Roadshow to New York

The 2nd Austrian Equity Day in New York, co-organized with Crédit Agricole Cheuvreux, will be held on Monday, 6 June 2011.

June 3, 2011

Cheuvreux Closing Its Office in Vienna

The French investment bank is closing down its office in Vienna after three years. This has been confirmed by analyst Alfred Reisenberger.

May 20, 2011

"Need for Improvement" in Austria's Capital Market

According to a study by Ernst &Young;, the domestic capital market shows deficits particularly in the areas of investor protection, the depth of the capital markets and corporate governance.

May 10, 2011

Leitl and Sorger Demand Privatizations

Economic Chamber’s President Christoph Leitl and Industrialists' Association President Veit Sorger spoke in support of privatization at a press conference.

May 5, 2011

Stock Market Forecast: ATX Return 15%

Forecast of the UniCredit analysts: ATX should hit 3200 points over the next twelve months with a total potential return of 15 percent, dividends included.

May 3, 2011

Lenzing to switch to prime market of Vienna Stock Exchange on 18 April

Lenzing AG will start listing on the Vienna Stock Exchange’s prime market – the premium segment – as of 18 April 2011.

April 16, 2011

Austria's Small Caps with Above Average Performance

In the EU comparison, as well as to Large Caps, Austria’s Small Caps record large gains.

April 14, 2011

Criticism on AMAG IPO

The placement of the shares before today's initial public offering has not been undertaken correctly, according to bank representatives. On the first day of trading the shares lost 6% of the issue price.

April 9, 2011

AMAG Quotes at Vienna Stock Exchange

Vienna Stock Exchange: Initial listing of AMAG stock on prime market today.

April 9, 2011

AMAG: Issue Price set at € 19 per share

Trading on the official market (Prime Market) of the Vienna Stock Exchange commences on April 8, 2011

April 8, 2011

Isovoltaic: IPO Fixed

The Austrian component supplier in the solar power industry will be listed at the Vienna Stock Exchange. The subsription period starts by Monday.

April 4, 2011

Presentation of Austrian Top Companies at Equity Day in Paris

The 3rd Austrian Equity Day in Paris, co-organized with Crédit Agricole Cheuvreux, will be held on Friday, 1 April 2011.

March 31, 2011

Vienna Stock Exchange: Management board contracts prolonged for five years

Heinrich Schaller and Michael Buhl will continue their functions as board members of the CEE Stock Exchange Group.

March 30, 2011

Shares of bwin.party to Start Trading in Vienna

The stocks of bwin.party Digital Entertainment PLC (“bwin.party”), which starts listing on the London Stock Exchange as of 1 April 2011, will also be traded on the Third Market of the Vienna Stock Exchange.

March 26, 2011

IPO of AMAG in April

The aluminum company Austria Metall AG is the first company going public in Vienna since 2007. The free float will amount to 55%.

March 25, 2011
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