Massive Decrease in Turnover at Vienna Stock Exchange

Businessn.a. ♦ Published: July 7, 2012; 18:51 ♦ (Vindobona)

In June, turnover fell by 50%. This is the lowest turnover since 2003. RCB recorded the second-highest turnover figure behind Deutsche Bank.

Massive Decrease in Turnover at Vienna Stock Exchange / Picture: ©

In the first half year of 2012, turnover reached € 20.4bn. One year before, turnover amounted to € 32.96bn. In June, Vienna Stock Exchange registered a turnover of € 2.65bn after € 5.35bn in the reference period. In December 2011, a decline in turover of more than 50% was observed. This was mainly due to introduction of the securities gains tax.

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