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UN General Assembly

Austrian Representatives at the UN General Assembly in New York
The UN General Assembly, which is taking place in New York this year, will see strong representation from Austria. With Federal President Alexander van der Bellen and Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg at the forefront, Austria wants to convey its messages clearly.
September 19, 2023

Secretary General of the Austrian Foreign Ministry Shows Solidarity With Ukraine at UN General Assembly
Secretary General of the Austrian Foreign Ministry Peter Launsky-Tieffenthal held a speech at the UN General Assembly in New York promoting peace and condemning the violation of human rights.
February 23, 2023

Austrian Chancellor at UN General Assembly: End War at the Negotiating Table as Soon as Possible
The UN General Assembly in New York gathered a large number of international politicians to debate the current problems in the world. The Austrian President Van der Bellen, the Austrian Chancellor Nehammer and Alexander Schallenber, Austria's Foreign Minister, were also present.
September 22, 2022

International Organisations in Vienna: What is the United Nations Platform for Space-Based Information for Disaster Management and Emergency Response?
The United Nations Platform for Space-Based Information for Disaster Management and Emergency Response (UN-SPIDER) is based in Vienna and aims to communicate the application of space-based technologies for disaster management and emergency response. Learn more about this international organisation in Vienna!
August 17, 2022

International Organisations in Vienna: What is the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law?
The United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) is based in Vienna and aims to unify and actively promote international trade law. Learn more about this international organisation in Vienna!
August 3, 2022

Vienna's Buddhist Community Celebrates the Vesak Festival
Today, the Vesak festival is celebrated by Buddhists all over the world. It commemorates the birth, enlightenment and complete extinction of Buddha Siddhartha Gautama and thus his exit from the cycle of rebirth. We wish all devout Buddhists a happy festival!
May 16, 2022

Multilateralism at the UN General Assembly: Kurz and Schallenberg in NYC

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz and Foreign Minister Schallenberg are in New York for the 76th United Nations General Assembly. Their trip includes meetings with various delegations, with an emphasis on the situation in Afghanistan and the COVID-19 pandemic. Notably, the pair, along with President Van der Bellen, will meet for talks with UN Secretary-General Antońio Guterres. Chancellor Kurz will also address the Council on Foreign Relations and Schallenberg will deliver a speech to the General Assembly. Read more about the details of their trip.
September 21, 2021

Van der Bellen "International Cooperation More Important Than Ever"

A year of Covid-19 pandemic, lockdowns, travel restrictions and similar life-changing measures has also impacted the international cooperation for Austria's Federal President Van der Bellen. Despite the circumstances, Van der Bellen tried to "maintain foreign policy contacts" and emphasizes the importance of international cooperation during a pandemic.
April 2, 2021

75th UN General Assembly: Schallenberg Denounces Nuclear Weapons

Foreign Minister Schallenberg emphasizes at the 75th UN General Assembly that nuclear weapons pose a constant threat, while there are no advantages on the other side of the coin. He also advertises for the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TNPW), which has already been signed by 84 countries.
October 2, 2020

75th Anniversary of the UN: Schallenberg Addresses Member Countries

The 75th anniversary of the United Nations is used as a year of reflection for the UN member countries. Nevertheless, current topics and outlooks into the future are dominating the General Assembly at which Austria's Foreign Minister Schallenberg also delivered his virtual speech.
September 28, 2020

Worldwide Parliamentary Meeting: Presidents from 178 States Expected in Vienna

Austria will host the 5th World Meeting of the Interparliamentary Union (IPU) from August 19 to 21, 2020. Presidents of parliaments from 178 states and around 1,200 delegates are expected. This is the first time that a national parliament, the Austrian Parliament, has hosted this conference. The World Meeting will be organised in cooperation with the IPU and the United Nations.
October 16, 2019 · Updated: October 17, 2019; 14:45

Schallenberg: Human Rights are Simply Non Negotiable

Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg addressed the UN General Assembly, stressing the need for enhanced international cooperation.
September 27, 2019

Austrian President and Chancellor at UN General Assembly

President Van der Bellen, Chancellor Bierlein, Environment Minister Maria Patek and activist Anika Dafert attended the 74th UN General Assembly in New York.
September 25, 2019

Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg at UN General Assembly

Tight schedule at the Annual General Meeting in New York City. Meetings with counterparts from Iran, Javad Zarif, Belarus, Vladimir Makei and Iraq, Mohamed Ali Alhakim and the President of the International Committee of the Red Cross Peter Maurer. A speech to the UN General Assembly is scheduled for Thursday. The strengthening of Vienna as a UN location is also on the agenda.
September 24, 2019

World Leaders Met in Vienna to Adopt 10 Year Action-Plan for Landlocked Developing Countries

The United Nations General Assembly adopted a 10 year action-plan aimed at accelerating sustainable development in the world’s 32 landlocked developing countries (LLDCs). A Business and Investment Forum was organized as an integral part of the 2nd United Nations Conference on Landlocked Developing Countries with the aim of exchanging views on the challenges and opportunities faced by LLDCs and to discuss possible partnerships and strategies in regards to the role of the private sector in the overall sustainable development of LLDCs. Also, Conchita Wurst performed live at the UN in Vienna for tolerance and mutual respect.
November 7, 2014