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OECD Economic Survey: Reform Proposals for Austria
A recent economic report by the OECD (Economic Surveys: Austria 2019) examines the impact of weak foreign demand, uncertainties in world trade and an ageing population on the prospects for the Austrian economy.
November 15, 2019
„Such Growth Rates Will not Return“
In an interview with the Austrian daily “Presse”, economist Karl Aiginger explains that the worst should be over. The reform pressure on the Austrian government is enormous.
December 30, 2013
Poland: Pension Scheme Reform to be Eased
At the beginning of September, Poland´s government decided to re-nationalize the pension system. Now, the government considers relativizing the reform.
September 28, 2013
Austrian Budget: Pensions as Risk Factor
Until 2017, the additional burden has a size of € 1.0bn, Austrian Minister of Finance Maria Fekter says in an interview with “Presse”.
February 28, 2013
Poland: Rostowki’s Fight for the Euro
Even though Poland’s rating outlook has been revised from “A-“ to “A” by Fitch it still has to face political reforms in order to improve its economic competitiveness.
February 24, 2013
Fekter pleased With “Good data on Austria”
Austria´s Minister of Finance Maria Fekter on Ecofin data: “We have some work to do on debt reduction and pension costs”.
February 13, 2013
Fitch: Austria´s Public Debt to Double
Due to the demographic trends, Austria faces a pension shock, Fitch says.
January 23, 2013
Austrian Experts Urge for Pension Reform
According to experts, Austrian citizens should postpone their retirement by four to five years.
September 25, 2012
Kapsch Against Excluding Greece
The President of the Federation of Austrian Industries (IV) thinks that the Austrian pension system shows a substantial savings potential.
September 10, 2012
Next Pension Reform Ahead
European Forum Alpbach: In 2016, the next pension reform may be necessary in Austria.
September 1, 2012
Austrian Industry Promotes Employment of Older Workers
The Federation of Austrian Industries (IV) argues that the state budget may reduce pension costs by € 7.4bn if the reforms of Germany were implemented in Austria too.
August 29, 2012
„The Public Sector Does not Get Enough“
Klaus Pöttinger, President of Upper Austria´s IV takes Switzerland as model. Taxes would be too high, efficiency of the public sector is too low, he says.
March 9, 2012
Leitl: „Austerity Package Is Not Enough“
For Christoph Leitl, the President of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKÖ), the recently resolved austerity package does not contain the essential reforms.
March 9, 2012
Austerity Package: Sorger Misses Reforms
The President of the Federation of Austrian Industries (IV), Veit Sorger, sees a massive lack in structural reforms. The austerity package is a “missed opportunity”.
March 3, 2012
New Criticism on Austerity Package
For the chief economist at RZB, Peter Brezinschek, the austerity package is not ambitious enough. The President of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce, Christoph Leitl, criticizes the introduction of new taxes.
February 28, 2012
Austria Will Not Get „AAA“ Back in Near Future
The economist at the German Deka bank, Ulrich Kater, does not think that Austria will be upgraded within the next years.
February 22, 2012
Company Pension Schemes Show Negative Performance
In 2011, Austrian company pension funds showed losses of 3.3%.
February 20, 2012
Retirement Plan: „Austria is Negative Example“
The Federation of Austrian Industries (IV) argues that Austria would be a negative example for the sustainability of the retirement plan. Early retirements should be limited, IV claims.
February 17, 2012
Youth Employment: Danger from Austerity Package
The government aims for increasing the retirement age in order to cut pension costs. Now, the director of the Austrian labor market agency (AMS) warns of a rise in youth unemployment.
February 15, 2012
Doubt and Criticism on Austerity Package
For the director of IHS, the austerity measures do not contain real reforms. The implementation could become difficult. Administration reforms and health system reforms are too low, observers say.
February 13, 2012
Austrian Government Resolves Austerity Package
Speculation terms on real estate will be abolished, the tax privilege on 13th and 14th salary too. Inheritance taxes or enrollment fees will not be re-introduced.
February 9, 2012
Austerity Package Takes Form
Although negotiations over the austerity package are not finished, first details are already known.
February 7, 2012
Government: Dispute Over Pensions
The Austrian government parties SPÖ and ÖVP disagree over contributions by retirees. The austerity package is far from being resolved.
February 6, 2012
Austria Has 2.2 Million Retirees
Against 2010, the number of retirees was up by 1.3%. The average retirement age did not increase, employment of older persons could improve.
January 14, 2012
Downgrade: Government Surprised and Criticized
For the Austrian government, the downgrade by the U.S. rating agency is „not comprehensible”. The domestic industry urgently claims structural reforms.
January 14, 2012
Austerity Package: Business Association Warns of New Taxes
New taxes would be an “attack against the economy”, general secretary Peter Haubner says.
January 4, 2012
Sharp Criticism Against Felderer
The head of the Viennese Chamber of Labor, Werner Muhm, attacks the director of IHS, Bernhard Felderer. His economic forecast is “propaganda of fear”.
November 12, 2011