„Such Growth Rates Will not Return“

CommentOpinion ♦ Published: December 30, 2013; 14:49 ♦ (Vindobona)

In an interview with the Austrian daily “Presse”, economist Karl Aiginger explains that the worst should be over. The reform pressure on the Austrian government is enormous.

„Such Growth Rates Will not Return“ / Picture: © WIFO Wirtschaftsforschungsinstitut

According to Aiginger, the past year brought back hope. “The economic performance of the Eurozone is still negative. However, all indicators let us expect an overall economic improvement. In 2014, we expect the Eurozone to grow by 1.0%. However, we have to make Europe more crisis-proof. Then, growth rates of 2.0% are realistic in the medium term. However, there is a lot to…