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RBI Raiffeisen Bank International

RBI: Fresh Money for Slovenian Subsidiary

Raiffeisen Bank International, the third biggest lender in CESEE, injects € 10m into the Slovenian subsidiary.
November 21, 2013

Hungary: Banks Penalized for Lobbying

The Hungarian competition authority GVH has imposed a penalty running in the millions on domestic and foreign banks.
November 20, 2013

Raiffeisen Bank International: Sale of Hungarian Affiliate No Taboo Anymore

As reported by Vindobona, Vienna-listed RBI is examining offers for the Hungarian subsidiary. For RBI, Hungary is the biggest loss-maker.
November 20, 2013

RBI Examines Sale Offers in Hungary

Apart from the withdrawal from Ukraine, Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI) considers an exit from Hungary.
November 19, 2013

Austrian Banking Sector: Austerity Ahead

In order to comply with the regulatory capital framework, Austrian banks cut costs radically
November 18, 2013

RBI: Sale of Raiffeisen Bank Aval Not Fixed

In light of current media reports Raiffeisen Bank International AG (RBI) is clarifying its position in relation to coverage about its intention to sell certain operations.
November 18, 2013

RBI Approves Participation in Bad Bank for Hypo

CEO of RBI Sevelda expects Austrian government to set a time limit for bank levies until the end of 2016.
November 18, 2013

RBI Considers Leaving Ukraine

The second-biggest lender in the CESEE region, Austrian Raiffeisen Bank International, confirms the intention to sell the Ukrainian affiliate Aval.
November 17, 2013

Romania: Key Rate Cut Again

The most recent cut was the fourth in a row since the beginning of July. Experts forecast the rate cutting cycle to stop in the first quarter next year when the country’s key rate is supposed to stand at 3.5 percent.
November 6, 2013

Banking Sector: Difficulties in Croatia Ahead

In order to protect indebted home-owners, the Croat parliament will resolve a new bank act. Like in Hungary, foreign-exchange-based mortgage should be converted at the expense of banks.
November 6, 2013

Hungary: Parliament Resolves Bank Act

The Hungarian banking sector, which is dominated by Austrian banks, faces new difficulties.
November 5, 2013

RBI: Rothensteiner Opposed Payout Block

The head of the Raiffeisen Centrobank and Chairman of RBI’s (Raiffeisen Bank International) supvervisory board Walter Rothensteiner is critical of a capital increase by a payout block.
October 31, 2013

Austrian Banking Sector: NPL at Eurozone´s Top

In the Eurozone, the non-performing loans are still growing. In total, 7.8% of the loan portfolio is risky. Austrian banks are significantly above the average.
October 30, 2013

Hungary: Conflict with Banks Sharpens

Hungary´s Minister of Finance Mihaly Varga rejects the proposal submitted by the banking association.
October 29, 2013

RBI Discussing New Ways of Global Banking Regulations

RBI welcomes global finance at the ICC Banking Commission Meeting 2013.
October 24, 2013

Austrian Banks Expected to Pass Auditing

According to the financial supervisors, the Austrian banks are likely to pass the ECB’s (European Central Bank) auditing since there are no significant adjustment requirements.
October 23, 2013

Hypo Group Reigned by Greed and Criminal Activities

In an interview with Austrian daily “Standard“ forensic expert of nationlized Hypo Group Christian Böhler revealed that former managers of the bank enriched themselves personally.
October 21, 2013

RBI Considers Participation in Hypo Group’s Bad Bank

In a radio interview with “Ö1”, Karl Sevelda, CEO of Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI), announced that he regards a particpation of his bank as possible.
October 18, 2013

Austria: RBI Expects Stabilization

Business in CEE seems to be in an up again. RBI is preparing for an IPO at the Warsaw stock exchange.
October 17, 2013

Eurozone: Banking Union Approved

From autumn 2014 on, the European Central Bank (ECB) will directly supervise 130 major banks within the Eurozone.
October 16, 2013

Russian and Ukrainian Oligarchs Interested in RBI’s Affiliate

The Ukrainian affiliate of Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI), Bank Aval, has become the object of desire for Russian billionaire Fridman and Ukrainian banker Lagun.
October 15, 2013

RBI May Pay Back State Aid Sooner

For Austrian Raiffeisen Bank International, the state aid becomes more and more expensive. The repayment will take place before 2017, insiders report.
October 14, 2013

FX Loans: ECB Warns Hungary

ECB´s governor Mario Draghi warns Hungary. The conversion of foreign currency loans may sharpen the credit crunch.
October 14, 2013

Romania: “Aggressive Rate Cuts Likely”

In view of the accelerating disinflation in Romania, Vienna-listed RBI (Raiffeisen Bank International) expects the monetary policy to be eased further.
October 12, 2013

RBI Issues EUR 500 Million of Supplementary Capital

Strengthening of capital structure provided by this measure.
October 10, 2013

Latest Edition of the SWOT Report of Raiffeisen Bank International has been Published
FriedlResearch has announced the publication of the latest edition of the "Raiffeisen Bank International AG - SWOT Analysis & Company Report". This report contains in depth information and data about RBI and its operations and markets.
October 8, 2013

Sevelda: Not the Right Time for Capital Increase

In an interview with Financial Times (FT) Karl Sevelda, CEO of RBI, states that a capital increase would be difficult at the moment due to an unfavorable economic environment.
October 4, 2013

Moody’s Honors Austrian Banks in CESEE

Only a year ago, the rating agency downgraded Austria because of its banks’ engagement in Eastern Europe. However, the situation has changed to the better.
October 3, 2013

Economic Upturn in Austria, Eurozone and CEE

Turbulent Emerging Market conditions have little impact on CEE.
October 2, 2013

Austria: Fitch Confirms Triple A

Austria´s main weak point is the banking sector, the rating agency criticizes.
September 28, 2013

Raiffeisen Sector: Austerity Cuts Ahead

RZB (Raiffeisen Zentralbank), the majority shareholder of Vienna-listed RBI (Raiffeisen Bank International) plans to reduce its costs substantially.
September 26, 2013

RBI: Drastic Austerity Measures Ahead

Vienna-listed Raiffeisen Bank International will have to cut costs by € 450m within 3 years.
September 25, 2013 · Updated: September 25, 2013; 10:41

RBI: Sevelda to Remain CEO unil 2017

Karl Sevelda, who was appointed new CEO of listed Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI) at the beginning of June, does not regard himself as interim head of the bank.
September 23, 2013

Croatia: Foreign Exchange Loan Conversion Costs € 50m

In order to help over-indebted Croat households, the government plans to shift the burden to the banking sector.
September 21, 2013

Bank Austria to Close Subsidiaries in Hungary

Because of higher costs caused by a tax on financial transaction, which was introduced during the current year, the affiliate of Italian UniCredit intends to downsize operations in Hungary.
September 19, 2013

RBI: Lennkh Takes Over Divisions of Sevelda

Peter Lennkh takes over responsibility for Corporate Business within the Managing Board of RBI.
September 18, 2013

Austrian Banking Sector Proves Stable

The U.S. rating agency Fitch confirms the A-rating for Erste Group, RBI (Raiffeisen Bank International), Bank Austria and VBAG.
September 18, 2013

RBI Revises Expected Provisioning Requirement

Vienna-based Raiffeisen Bank International AG (RBI) has revised its outlook for the net provisioning requirement for the current financial year.
September 16, 2013

Hungarian National Bank to Use Foreign Currency Reserves

In order to support Hungarian homeowners, MNB (Hungarian National Bank) sells a part of its forex-reserves.
September 15, 2013

Austria Must Implement Liquidation Mechanism for Banks

In order to minimize fiscal losses, Austrian problem banks should be liquidates soon, IMF claims. In this case, Austria would not reach its fiscal targets in the next years.
September 13, 2013

Former President of Budapest Stock Exchange New Head of Division at RBI

RBI appoints Attila Szalay-Berzeviczy Head of Group Securities Services Business.
September 11, 2013

Eight Austrian Banks to be Supervized by ECB

The European Central Bank will supervise 130 banks in the Eurozone. 18 German and six Austrian banks will have a new supervision authority.
September 6, 2013

Hungary: New Threats for Foreign Banks

Hungary´s government is determined to convert foreign exchange loans at the expense of banks again.
September 6, 2013

RBI to Take Over Croatian Subsidiary Completely

Vienna-listed Raiffeisen Bank International holds 75% of its Croatian subsidiary. RBI confirmed that the remaining shares of Croatian subsidiary will be acquired.
September 6, 2013

Austrian Banks Register Growing NPL

The advisory group pwc has issued a new report on the asset quality of Austrian banks. In terms of asset quality, Hungary and Romania are performing worst.
September 5, 2013

Hungarian Government Wants Further FX Debt Reliefs

The government has talks with the Hungarian banking association. In order to de-burden indebted Hungarian households, Prime Minister Viktor Orban wants to reach a debt relief plan.
September 4, 2013

Austrian Banking Sector Burdened Heavily With NPL

In total, non-performing loans held by Austrian banks come at € 150bn. This corresponds to 48% of Austria´s GDP.
September 2, 2013

Austria: “Painful Cuts“ at RBI

According to the most recent results, the bank has losses in profits of more then 60 percent. A strict cost reduction program
August 22, 2013

RBI Net Profit Below Analysts’ Expectations: Minus 60.5 Percent

Raiffeisen Bank International with consolidated profit of € 277 million in the first half 2013.
August 22, 2013