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RBI Raiffeisen Bank International

Stepic: „CESEE Region Faces Challenging Year“

RBI´s (Raiffeisen Bank International) CEO Herbert Stepic explained that central, eastern and southeastern Europe is still Europe´s growth engine.
January 15, 2013

Fitch: Austrian Banking Industry Depends on CESEE

According to the U.S. rating agency, the situation of Austrian banks strongly depends on the development in central, east and southeast Europe.
January 14, 2013

First Signs of Economic Recovery

Liquidity is driving the markets, global monetary policy remains heavily expansive. Muted growth outlook for CEE.
January 10, 2013

Austrian Equity Market: RBI Demonstrates Optimism

Raiffeisen Bank International: “Buy recommendations for Austrian and CEE shares: RHI, CA Immo, Bogdanka, Ciech and MTS”.
January 10, 2013

Bank Taxes: RZB Records Costs of € 168m

For Austrian RZB (Raiffeisen Zentralbank), bank taxes in Austria, Hungary and Slovakia come at € 168m. RZB will not leave Hungary, CEO Rothensteiner says.
December 20, 2012

RBI Sells Stake in RHI

The Austrian Raiffeisen Bank International sells the 7.3% interest in the Austrian refractory company.
December 7, 2012

Legal Merger of Raiffeisen Bank Polska and Polbank EFG Approved

Approval is starting point for unification of market approach and operational merger process. Cost synergies to be achieved by optimization of the branch network and the staff number, among other measures.
December 5, 2012

The Banker: RBI Bank of the Year in CEE

Already fourth award for RBI as “Best Bank” in CEE this year. Network banks in Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Romania receive local “Bank of the Year“ awards.
November 29, 2012

RBI: Net Income Up by 13%

Raiffeisen Bank International posts a profit before tax of more than € 1bn for the first three quarters.
November 28, 2012

RBI Expected to Record Higher Net Results

Tomorrow, Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI) publishes its results for the first nine months of 2012. The interest income is anticipated to decline slightly.
November 27, 2012

Romania: Foreign Trade Declines

"When expressed in EUR equivalent, both exports and imports of goods fell marginally in Q3 (-1.1% qoq and -0.3% qoq respectively, according to our in-house seasonally adjusted data)." Raiffeisen Research says.
November 26, 2012

Romania: Economic Upswing Expected

According with the flash estimates, real GDP declined by 0.5% qoq and by 0.6% yoy in Q3. “In our view, contraction was mainly the result of a plunge in agricultural output.” Austrian Raiffeisen Research says.
November 26, 2012

Hungary: Small Concession for Banking Industry

The banking sector in Hungary is under pressure. The government in Budapest decided to pay back debts of municipalities by the end of the year.
November 24, 2012

RBI Threatens to Leave Hungary

The Austrian Raiffeisen Bank International criticizes the burden for the banking sector in Hungary.
November 22, 2012

Austria´s Budget Deficit to Decrease Slightly

Today, the Austrian National Assembly has resolved the budget for 2013. This year, Austria will not fulfill the Maastricht Criteria.
November 16, 2012

Kazakh President Nazarbayev in Austria

Today, the Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev was received by the Austrian President Heinz Fischer. The Austrian industry hopes for orders worth € 500m.
October 22, 2012

Fekter Interested in Hungary´s Bank Taxation Plans

The Austrian Minister of Finance wants to analyse the taxation plans of the Hungarian government thoroughly. The bank taxes would be “highly interesting”, Fekter says.
October 19, 2012

RBI: We Will Not Leave Hungary

Herbert Stepic, CEO of Austrian RBI (Raiffeisen Bank International) is highly dissatisfied with Hungary´s decision not to reduce bank taxes. However, RBI will stay, he says.
October 18, 2012 · Updated: October 18, 2012; 17:08

Hungarian Tax Plans: Austrian Banks Annoyed

Because of the pressing need to reduce the budget deficit, Hungary´s government decided not to lower the bank tax. Moreover, the financial transaction tax will be doubled.
October 18, 2012

RBI Cuts Slovenian Subsidiary Radically

The Austrian Raiffeisen Bank International plans to lay off the half of its workforce in Slovania.
October 16, 2012

Stepic: “Must Reduce Lending in CESEE”

The CEO of Austrian RBI (Raiffeisen Bank International) Herbert Stepic explains that new lending in Eastern Europe must be reduced substantially.
October 11, 2012

S&P: Eastern Subsidiaries of Austrian Banks Most Become More Independent

The U.S. rating agency criticizes that Austrian banks are still weakly capitalized. The economic crisis caused a massive withdrawal of funds in Eastern Europe, S&P says.
October 11, 2012

Fekter Appeals on Banks to Prevent Credit Crunch

Banks should be more creative in financing the real economy instead of creating new financial products, she says.
October 5, 2012

Raiffeisen Brand to be Introduced in Slovakia

The Austrian bank will open its first branches in November.
October 2, 2012

RBI: Poland Shows Stability

In Poland, Raiffeisen Bank International´s NPL ratio comes at 8%. By contrast, Ukraine and Poland are much more problematic.
October 1, 2012

Raiffeisen: CEE Network to be Closed

Austrian RBI (Raiffeisen Bank International) announces that the expansion in Central and Eastern Europe will be concluded soon.
October 1, 2012

CEE Equity: RBI Cautiously Optimistic

RBI forecasts a slight increase in yields for Poland, Hungary, Russia and the Czech Republic. Austrian ATX should grow moderately in the next 12 months.
September 28, 2012

CEE Remains Europe’s Growth engine Despite Slow-Down

CEE with 2012 GDP growth of 2.4 per cent – GDP in Eurozone to shrink to minus 0.5 per cent in 2012 . In terms of reforms, CEE tops Eurozone peripherals
September 28, 2012

Stock Exchange Ranking: Kapsch Has First Place

No other company has managed the crisis better than the Austrian toll system company, Contrast Management Consulting says.
September 14, 2012

S&P Criticizes Weak Capital Base of Austrian Banks

According to the U.S. rating agency, Austrian big banks should increase their equity base in order to compensate further risks.
September 7, 2012

RBI Improves Results

Raiffeisen Bank International's consolidated profit for the first half of 2012 rises by 13.9 per cent to € 701m. The net interest income was down by 3.6%. The second quarter´s results were down.
August 29, 2012

Goldman Sachs Lowers Expectations for Austrian Banks

The U.S. investment bank anticipates decreasing earnings.
August 27, 2012

Crisis in Eurozone: Stepic Is Optimistic

In an interview with the Austrian newspaper “Presse”, RBI´s CEO Herbert Stepic expects that the crisis will be managed until 2015.
August 25, 2012

Banking Industry: Slower Growth Expected

Due to the weak results in Eastern Europe, the Austrian banking industry faces only decent net income figures in the second quarter of 2012.
July 30, 2012

Bank Insolvency Law: No Austrian Solo Run

Austria´s government changed its mind. There will be no national bank insolvency law. Austria will wait for a European solution instead.
July 23, 2012

RBI: Bad Development in Hungary

Herbert Stepic, CEO of Raiffeisen Bank International expects that the development of non-performing loans is stable this year.
July 21, 2012

Austerity Program at RBI

Raiffeisen Bank International´s CEO Herbert Stepic is against a capital increase. The market conditions would be unfavorable.
July 20, 2012

Consolidation in CESEE Banking Industry Ahead

The Austrian Central Bank (OeNB) expects a wave of takeovers in the banking industry in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe. Many banking groups will withdraw from there, OeNB says.
July 13, 2012

Austrian M&A Activity Faces Depression

Due to the global insecurities, the M&A activities in Austria decreased substantially in the last year. Against the prior year, the number of deals was down by 27%.
July 11, 2012

Performance of Austrian Banks Remarkably Down

Austria seems to be significantly „overbanked“: Austrian banks only achieve a 0.1% yield on the capital employed.
July 9, 2012

Euromoney Awards RBI as Best Regional Bank in CEE

Austrian Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI) receives award for the seventh time. For RBI, it is already the third award for RBI as "Best Bank" in CEE in 2012.
July 6, 2012

Euro-Crisis Continues

According to RCB, the factional dispute between Germany and France decisive for the eurozone. An easing of the situation is not expected.
June 29, 2012

Stable Corporate Lending at RBI

Raiffeisen Bank International : „No bottleneck supplying the domestic economy with liquidity.“
June 27, 2012

NPL of € 100bn in CEE?

The chairman oft he Viennese Chamber of Labor Werner Muhm asserts that Austrian banks hold non-perfoming loans in CEE ountries. Austrian banks rejected Muhm´s statement.
June 23, 2012

New Supervisory Board at RBI

Raiffeisen Bank International's Annual General Meeting approves unchanged dividend of €1.05 per share. Heinrich Schaller and Günther Reibersdorfer were elected to the Supervisory Board.
June 20, 2012

Fitch: Positive Statements for Austrian Banks

For the U.S. rating agency, the lending activities of Austrian banks in Eastern Europe is only a minor risk factor.
June 19, 2012

Vienna Stock Exchange: Winners and Losers (2012-06-19)

Daily News-Flash from the Vienna Stock Exchange: Upgrades and Downgrades, Analyzes and Comments.
June 19, 2012

Austrian Banks Perform Well in Eastern Europe

The Austrian banks did not overreach themselves in Eastern Europe, the economist Bernhard Felderer says. By contrast, UniCredit, RBI and Erste Group are highly profitable.
June 11, 2012

Austrian Banks Cut Exposure in Spain

Erste Group, Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI) and KA Finanz have the highest exposure among Austrian banks.
June 11, 2012

Moody´s Warns Austria of Another Downgrade

The U.S. rating agency may downgrade European AAA-countries like Austria, Germany or France soon.
June 9, 2012