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Fekter Interested in Hungary´s Bank Taxation Plans
Politics ♦
Published: October 19, 2012; 19:12 ♦ (Vindobona)
The Austrian Minister of Finance wants to analyse the taxation plans of the Hungarian government thoroughly. The bank taxes would be “highly interesting”, Fekter says.
Fekter Interested in Hungary´s Bank Taxation Plans / Picture: © Wikipedia / World Economic Forum (Heinz Tesarek)
Last year, the Hungarian banking sector paid bank taxes of € 260m. The bank tax comes to 0.53% of total assets. This is still far beyond the average tax rates of other EU members. The tax was introduced in 2010. Initially, the government planned to reduce the tax by 2013. In order to reduce the budget deficit below 3.0% of GDP, Hungary´s government decided not to reduce the bank tax,…
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