RBI: Poland Shows Stability

Businessn.a. ♦ Published: October 1, 2012; 21:21 ♦ (Vindobona)

In Poland, Raiffeisen Bank International´s NPL ratio comes at 8%. By contrast, Ukraine and Poland are much more problematic.

RBI: Poland Shows Stability / Picture: © Raiffeisen Bank International AG / S. Klimpt

The size of non-performing loans in Poland is the lowest among the CEE countries, RBI´s CEO Herbert Stepic says. Even after the merger with Polbank, the NPL quota will only grow to 8.5%. This corresponds to € 900m. By contrast, the NPL quota in Ukraine comes at 36%. In Hungary, the figure ranges from 27 to 29%. In Slovenia, the NPL quota in the business sector grew to 18%. Romania´s…