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EIB Group Cooperates with Hypo Vorarlberg

The European Investment Bank (EIB) has decided to support Austria's economy by unlocking part of Hypo Vorarlberg's regulatory capital. These funds will be used to invest in energy efficiency projects which are directly in line with the EIB's commitment to increasing its climate action lending.
December 1, 2020

RBI Revises Expected Provisioning Requirement

Vienna based Raiffeisen Bank International AG (RBI) has revised its outlook for the net provisioning requirement for the current financial year to between EUR 1,500 and EUR 1,700 million, primarily due to higher expected risk costs in Ukraine in light of ongoing political tensions in the region.
September 23, 2014

Sevelda: “Russia Still Crucial Market”

In the light of the close ties with regard to economic and energy relations with Russia Karl Sevelda, CEO of Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI) warns about the tightening of penalties against Russia.
May 23, 2014

World Bank Approves Health Loan to Croatia

The Croatian government will use the World Bank’s funds for a national health program.
May 9, 2014

Situation for Austrian Banks in Russia is “Sensitive”

According to the latest statistics, Austrian banks are considerably more engaged in Russia than assumed so far. Debts to domestic financial institutes amount to € 50bn.
April 29, 2014

Slovenia: List of Debtors of NLB Published

The Slovenian bad bank BAMC (Bank Asset Management Company) has published the list of debtors of the country’s two largest banks, which are responsible for the disaster of the state-controlled banks.
April 23, 2014

Slovenia: “Worst Thing if Nobody Dare Do Anything”

Finance Minister Cufer stressed that financial institutes needed stable guidance and confidence to continue their restructuring paths.
April 17, 2014

RBI Terminates Business on Crimea

The Ukrainian affiliate of Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI), Bank Aval, has terminated its business activity on Crimea.
April 15, 2014

Fricke: “Man Needs Relatively Little Bank”

Fricke, chief economist at the European Climate Foundation and author of “Wie viel Bank braucht der Mensch?" (How much bank does man need?)
April 15, 2014

Uncertainty in Eastern Europe Makes RBI Nervous

In the last few months, the frame conditions in Russia become more and more unpredictable for foreign investors. For RBI, Russia is the most important market.
April 12, 2014

Slovenia: Banka Celje Trying to Fend Off Bailout

The Slovenian lender is considering a capital increase to avoid national bailout.
April 11, 2014

Poland: Number of Consumer Loans Increases

According to Polish credit bureau BIK, the number of granted consumer loans has reached a new record.
April 11, 2014

Austria: Hypo Group’s Investigation Committee Ready for Action

The group of foreign experts at the investigation commission for Hypo Group Alpe Adria is supposed to guarantee the required objectivity. The first results are expected to be published at the end of the year.
April 10, 2014

Hypo Group: Heavy Burden for Austrian Fiscal Position

The Austrian National Bank, however, expects the structural medium-term budgetary objectives to be achievable.
April 7, 2014

Treichl: „The U.S. Have Solved the Crisis Better“

Andreas Treichl, CEO of the Vienna-listed lender Erste Group, thinks that everything takes too long in Europe. The communication between banks and the government is insufficient, Treichl says.
April 5, 2014

Austria: Carinthia Reluctant to Pay for Hypo Group

The Austrian province of Carinthia rejects contributing to the downsizing costs of nationalized Hypo Group. Finance Minister Spindelegger insists on € 500m and threatens with sanctions.
April 4, 2014

Poland: PKO BP to Help Finance Ukrainian Enterprises?

The biggest financial institute in Poland could get involved in a project financing Ukrainian businesses.
April 4, 2014

Hungary: OTP Approaches Acquisition of MKB

MKB, the Hungarian loss-making affiliate of German regional lender BayernLB, is approaching its acquisition by the biggest lender OTP.
April 3, 2014

Hypo Group: Settlement Rejected by BayernLB

The majority stockholder of BayernLB, the former parent company of Hypo Group Alpe Adria, is not willing to negotiate about a settlement with the Austrian problem bank.
April 1, 2014

BayernLB: “Odd“ Sponsoring Contracts in Carinthia

Former managers of the German regional bank are under suspicion of having bribed then-governor of the Austrian province of Carinthia.
March 31, 2014

Austria: Dispute about Hypo Credit to Alpine

The granting of a loan to Alpine Bau, which went bankrupt soon afterwards, in the amount of € 25m by Austrian problem bank Hypo Group Alpe Adria has become an issue of the Austrian prosecution.
March 31, 2014

Poland: Promising Years Ahead

Poland observes the crisis in Ukraine with great concern, but does not forget to upgrade national resources.
March 25, 2014

Poland: Number of Real Estate Loans Drops

The portfolio of real estate loans of Polish households declined in February, according to a report by the National Bank of Poland (NBP).
March 25, 2014

Fitch: Elections Command Fiscal Consolidation and Reforms

Vucic appears to acknowledge the need for reforms in Serbia.
March 20, 2014

Hungary: Jurisdiction Affects FX Loans and Banks

Hungary’s constitutional court will exert influence on FX loans.
March 18, 2014

BayernLB: “We Were Brazenly Betrayed by Austria"

CEO of BayernLB Gerd Häusler claims the German bank and former parent company of nationalized Hypo Group Alpe Adria accuses Austria of having taken the law into its own hands.
March 18, 2014

VBAG: Romanian Affiliate Sells Bad Loan Portfolio

The ailing affiliate of Austrian partly nationalized VBAG will sell its non-performing loans on a large scale.
March 18, 2014

Hypo Group Redeems Loan

Even though the Austrian nationalized Hypo Group urgently needs state aids to get by bondholders will be compensated for their investments.
March 17, 2014

CEE: Investments to Boost Economic Growth

In the coming two years economic growth in Eastern Europe is expected to accelerate to an average of two to three percent of GDP triggered by a boost in investments.
March 13, 2014

Poland: PKO BP to Sell Parts of Consumer Loan Portfolio

This year, the largest lender in Poland intends to sell a part of its consumer loan portfolio in the amount of PLN 2.3bn to 2.5bn.
March 11, 2014

Poland: Share of Impaired Loans Increasing

The number of impaired loans in the non-financial sector keeps on increasing.
March 10, 2014

Austria: Painful Austerity Measures Ahead

The Austrian public debt level grows massively. The disaster of the nationalized Balkan lender Hypo Group Alpe Adria is not the only reason for the unfavorable situation.
March 10, 2014

Austrian Banking Sector Fears New Crisis in Russia

For both Bank Austria and Raiffeisen Bank International, the crisis in Ukraine is an enormous threat. What is more, Russia might develop into a serious danger for foreign banks.
March 8, 2014

S&P: Hypo Group Bankruptcy Would Trigger Downgrade in Austrian Banking Sector

In case of a bankruptcy of the nationalized bank Hypo Group Alpe Adria, the three largest Austrian banks Erste Group, Bank Austria and Raiffeisen Zentralbank might be downgraded by one or two notches.
March 8, 2014

Hungary: OTP Bank’s Profits Vanished by Provisions and Taxes

A decrease on the operating profit, increasing risk provisions and taxes drained almost all profits made in the fourth quarter last year.
March 7, 2014

Serbia: Share of NPL Increases Dramatically

The share of bad loans in Serbia has increased to 21.3 percent.
March 6, 2014

Poland Reconsiders Joining Eurozone

The current political crisis in Ukraine is also causing turmoil at the Polish financial markets letting the national currency drop significantly against the Euro.
March 5, 2014

Raiffeisen Bank International Postpones Sale of Ukrainian Affiliate

Due to the extremely tense situation in Ukraine, the second-largest lender in CESEE (Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe) has stopped the sale of Aval Bank.
March 3, 2014

Poland: Lending Activity to Increase Significantly

Lending activity in the Polish finance sector is expected to increase significantly this year.
March 3, 2014

Fitch Keeps Slovak Rating Unchanged

Slovakia´s issuer default rating was kept unchanged at “A+”. The outlooks remain stable.
March 1, 2014

Hypo Group Insolvency to Cost € 10bn at Least

Taxpayers in Austria would be burdened with at least € 10bn if Hypo Group was sent into insolvency.
February 26, 2014

Poland: Fastest Growing Economy in EU

According to the EU Commission, Poland will see the fastest growth in 2014 among the largest former communist countries of the European Union.
February 26, 2014

Hungary: Customers Fleeced by Banks

For the first time in three years Hungarian commercial banks have returned to profitability. However, extra cost, caused by political circumstances, was passed on to clients.
February 26, 2014

Ukraine: Austrian Banks Reopened Branches

After the political disaster in the Ukraine all bank shops in the country’s capital Kyiv have opened again on Monday.
February 25, 2014

EU Commission to Examine Slovenian Bank Restructuring Plan

Slovenia has sent the restructuring plan for its third largest bank, Abanka Vipa, to the EU Commission.
February 20, 2014

Picker: Hypo to Cost Taxpayers “Only” up to € 4bn

According to CEO of Hypo Group Alpe Adria Picker, the ailing bank will burden taxpayers with “only“ € 4bn at the most. Head of IHS, Keuschnigg, warns the Austrian policy-makers of forwarding costs to bondholders.
February 19, 2014

Nowotny: Negative Interest Rate Conveys Feeling of Crisis

Ewald Nowotny, member of the Council of the ECB (European Central Bank) and governor of the Austrian National Bank (OeNB), expressed his rejection regarding a possible negative interest rate for banks.
February 18, 2014

Austria: Economic Growth Accelerates

In the fourth quarter in 2013 GDP increased by 0.3 percent compared to the previous quarter and by 0.9 percent year-on-year.
February 14, 2014

RBI Raises Another € 500m

After the capital increase, the Vienna-listed lender has raised capital in the amount of € 500m. The emission was significantly oversubscribed.
February 13, 2014

Improving Situation in Slovenia

Banka Slovenije points out that the finance industry was negatively affected by provisions and write-offs. However, the situation seems to be improving.
February 13, 2014