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Slovenia: List of Debtors of NLB Published
Politics ♦
Published: April 23, 2014; 16:45 ♦ (Vindobona)
The Slovenian bad bank BAMC (Bank Asset Management Company) has published the list of debtors of the country’s two largest banks, which are responsible for the disaster of the state-controlled banks.
Most of the bad loans of NLB were caused by the Archdiocese Maribor. / Picture: © Flickr / flavioxf
Both NLB and Nova Kreditna Banka Maribor (NKBM) transferred bad loans to the downsizing company BAMC. Non-performing loans of NLB (Nova Ljubljanska Banka) alone have run up to € 2bn. Most of the bad loans of NLB were caused by the Archdiocese Maribor.
Two funds, “Zvon Ena” and “Zvon Dva” (“Bell One” and “Bell Two”), established by the Archdiocese Maribor, are…
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