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Slovenia: Privatisations to Attract Investors

15 companies set for privatisation in Slovenia.
July 1, 2013

Slovenia Likely To Require Bailout

According to Capital Economics Ltd. Slovenia will in all likelyhood ask for a bailout to bolster its ailing banking sector in case the debt crisis in Europe should worsen.
June 28, 2013

Hypo Group and BayernLB Keep on Fighting

Hypo Group responds to the BayernLB’s lawfile at the Regional Court in Munich. Both banks will not give up their very hard stance.
June 26, 2013

Slovenia Expects Economic Recovery As Soon As 2014

On Saturday, the Slovenian Finance Ministry expressed its confidence that the newly adopted action plan would help stabilize public finances and help gain economic recovery despite of Fitch’s downgrade.
June 24, 2013

Hypo: Deal with Russian Oligarch with “Proper Mortgage”

The investigations into money laundering at the Federal Criminal Office concerning the business with Russian oligarch Vladimir Antonov were brought to an end without any results. There were no arms among the securities.
June 20, 2013

Hypo Group: Business With Russian Oligarch

Austrian magazine „News“ unveils a remarkable business connection of Hypo Group from 2008.
June 19, 2013

Gazprom Withdraws from Greek Privatization Offer

The months of courtship were in vain. The Russian enterprises Gazprom and Sintez allowed the period prescribed for the privatization of Greek gas company Depa to expire.
June 12, 2013

Serracchiani: „Will Do Everything I Can“

In an interview with Austrian newspaper “Kleine Zeitung“ Debora Serracchiani, new regional president of the province Friuli in Italy announced to do everything so that Hypo Group Italy will survive.
June 11, 2013

Fekter: The North Feeds The South

Finance Minister Fekter compares the situation in Europe with the economic circumstances in Italy.
June 11, 2013

Hypo Group: Fekter Under Pressure

Finance Minister Fekter is put under pressure by Austrian Green Party to establish a bad bank for Hypo Group.
June 10, 2013

Croatia to Expect Disciplinary Procedure by EU

The Ex-Yugoslavian country has to face harder scrutinizing than its CESEE peers which joined the EU in the last decade.
June 5, 2013

Slovenia: Bailout As An Option

Prime Minister Bratusek announced her consent to introduce fiscal rule in 2015.
June 4, 2013

Hypo Group: Italian Affilate Not to be Closed

The nationalized Carinthian bank has no plans of shutting down its Italien affiliate.
June 4, 2013

Slovenia: NKBM Still In the Reds

Particularly high risk provision caused the bank a net loss of € 8.5m. Even for the whole of 2013, losses are expected.
May 31, 2013

Romania: No Investors for Post Company

Debts and a collective agreement which makes restructuring impossible until 2018 are among the main reasons the company is not attractive to potential investors.
May 29, 2013

Croatia: Plans For Croatian Airlines’ Bankruptcy

The Croatian government has started planning in case of its national carrier declaring bankruptcy.
May 21, 2013

Austria: Fekter’s Ambition to „Steer Hypo Group Into Safe Waters“

In the margin of the Council of Ministers, Finance Minister Maria Fekter announced that Austria will hand in the new restructuring plan for Hypo Alpe Adria Group to the EU Commission in the coming days.
May 21, 2013

Slovenia Hoping for Soon Recovery

Crisis-struck Slovenia intends to make more room financially by starting to privatize its state-owned banks. Experts regard the process to be carried out too slowly.
May 21, 2013

Croatia: PM Warns Of Croatia Airlines’ Downfall

Prime Minister Milanovic stresses the need to make changes to guarantee a future for the airline company.
May 17, 2013

Poland: Rescue Loan for LOT Approved

A new law passed on Friday makes it possible to privatize Polish carrier LOT.
May 16, 2013

Slovenia Pressed to Take “Swift and Decisive” Actions

On Monday Eurozone Finance Ministers warned Slovenia to take “swift and decisive” action to address its economic imbalances.
May 14, 2013

Poland: LOT Ready To Be Privatized

A new law passed on Friday makes it possible to privatize Polish carrier LOT.
May 14, 2013

Indian Srei Group to Acquire Austrian Hypo?

Austria is looking for a buyer for the domestic Hypo affiliates. Indian Srei Group seems to have good chances.
May 13, 2013

Austria: Domestic Banks Reject Taking Over Hypo Group

The task force, appointed for Hypo Alpe Adria Group by the government, held a meeting again today. It is only two more weeks until the suggestions have to be presented to Brussels. Domestic banks reject participating in a bad bank.
May 13, 2013

Slovenia Likely To Require More State Funds Than Expected

According to Morgan Stanley, the Slovenian national treasury will need a further amount of € 11bn until 2016. Slovenian Finance Minister Cufer is expected to present the new program in Brussels today.
May 13, 2013

Slovenia to Raise VAT and Sell 15 State Enterpises

Slovenia has announced to put 15 state companies up for sale and raise VAT in order to acquire revenues and avoid international bailout.
May 10, 2013

30th Financial Conference - Where are we and where are we headed?

Slovenia will witness further privatisation in 2013
May 6, 2013

Austria: Commission Wants Roadmap to Hypo’s Future

The EU Commission wants the Austrian government to announce the next steps for Hypo Group until the end of this month.
May 2, 2013

Hypo Group to Get a Bad Bank?

Chancellor Faymann confirmed negotiations about the establishing of a bad bank for non-performing loans.
April 30, 2013

„Slovenia Can Manage On Its Own“

In an interview with Austrian newspaper Kurier, President of the Slovenian Bankers Association France Arhar stresses that Slovenia is not the new Cyprus.
April 29, 2013

Slovenia: Government to Vote On Regulations

Changes to the acts on Slovenian state-owned enterprises are supposed to help restructure and remove the lid from the amount of state aid money granted.
April 24, 2013

Serbia: Telekom Srbija to Be Privatized

According to reports by the media, the Serbian government wants to take another try to privatize Telekom Srbija.
April 23, 2013

S&P: More Funds For KA Finanz

Austrian major banks are performing weakly. Risks increase in CESEE countries. S&P also warns of real estate bubble in Vienna.
April 18, 2013

Forbes: “Austere Baltic States Outgrow Their European Neighbors”

Forbes magazine has dedicated a comprehensive article about how the Baltic countries manage to conquer the financial crisis.
April 17, 2013

Slovenia to Emerge From Quagmire By Itself?

A recent report by the OECD paints a dim picture of the country’s economic future.
April 17, 2013

Croatia to Sell HPB and Croatia Osiguranje

Croatia’s seventh biggest bank and biggest insurance company will soon be privatized. The selling of the stakes is supposed to generate up to € 300m for the state budget.
April 11, 2013

Decisions About Hypo Group’s Future Still Pending

Finance Minister Maria Fekter has presented herself rather reserved after the meeting with EU Commissioner for Competition Joaquin Almunia.
April 5, 2013

Austria: Fekter Craving for Indulgence in Brussels

Austrian Finance Minister Fekter will be in Brussels on Friday to negotiate about the privatization of the nationalized-by –force Hypo Group.
April 4, 2013

Serbia: Financial Underhand Practices Discovered

Financial underhand practices had lead to losses of € 700m for the Serbian state.
March 30, 2013

Austria: Sale of Kommunalkredit Still in Limbo

Denationalization of Kommunalkredit not yet completed.
March 29, 2013

Commission Praises Croatia’s Progress

Croatia has fullfilled all criteria for the EU accession on July 1, 2013.
March 26, 2013

Hypo Group’s Silence Bewilders Bayern LB

Bayern LB is puzzled as to why former affiliate, Carithian Hypo Group, has not shown any efforts to state their position before court.
March 21, 2013

EVN to Start Arbitration Procedure

Today, Austrian power supply company EVN informed the state of Bulgaria about opening arbitration proceedings.
March 19, 2013

Austria: Investigation Against VBAG Board Members

The Austrian Justice is currently investigating a case of the Austrian Volksbanken AG (VBAG) where three former board members are accused of having forged balance sheets. Board director CEO Michael Mendel is not among the suspects.
March 18, 2013

VBAG is Forced to Continue Radical Downsizing Measures

The partly nationalized and financially stricken Austrian banking group has to implement a painful restructuring concept. At the moment, VBAG sells its properties.
March 15, 2013

Austria: Hypo Group Still Sailing in Stormy Waters

Hypo Group wants a fast selling until the end of 2013. Vending of Italian and CESEE subsidiaries could take longer as the economic situation is not appealing at the moment.
March 12, 2013

Austria: Nationalizing Hypo Group Prevented BayernLB from Losses

EU Competition Commission pushes the Austrian government to shut down the loss-making Hypo Group.
March 11, 2013

Austria: Hypo Managing Board Warns of Losses

Hypo Group’s managers fear that selling the bank precipitately might lead to additional losses up to € 5bn for the bank and federal state.
March 7, 2013

Romania As Risk Factor for Austria´s Public Finance

The partly nationalized Austrian banking group VBAG faces difficulties in Romania. The Austrian Ministry of Finance tries to prevent further capital injections into VBAG.
March 2, 2013

Does the Hungarian Telecommunication Sector Face Nationalizations?

According to rumors, Hungary´s government plans to nationalize the Hungarian subsidiary of the telecommunication operator Vodafone.
March 2, 2013