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Austrian Foreign Trade Strategy - Aussenwirtschaftsstrategie
Austria's Foreign Trade Achieves Strong Growth
In the previous year, there were strong increases in foreign trade compared to the first CoV year 2020. It is pleasing that almost all federal states were able to record a positive foreign trade balance.
July 15, 2022
Austria Enhances Bilateral Economic Relations with Conflicting Neighbors India and Pakistan
The initiative ReFocus Austria, accompanied by Austria's Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg, visited the emerging republics of Pakistan and India in recent days. The aim of the trip was to establish economic relations and promote mutual investments. Read on if you want to know which sectors are in particular demand.
March 23, 2022
Australia and Austria for Strong Multilateralism and Foreign Trade
Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg reaffirmed the good relations with Australia in a personal meeting with Australia's Foreign Minister Marise Payne. Mrs. Payne also paid a visit to Chancellor Nehammer.
December 13, 2021
Strengthening Economic and Political Relations between Australia and Austria
The Foreign Affairs Committee of the Austrian Parliament is discussing a state treaty with Australia, which aims to create better framework conditions for a strengthened partnership and the further expansion of trade and investment flows.
October 15, 2021
Austrian Foreign Trade: Imports and Exports Above Pre-Crisis Levels
Austria's foreign trade again recorded strong growth in July 2021. Imports rose by 18.3% year-on-year and exports by 10.4%. This means that foreign trade was already above pre-crisis levels. Compared to July 2019, imports reached 101.3% and exports 104.5%.
October 14, 2021
Extension of Austria's Internationalization Program "go-international" Announced
Austrian Economics Minister Margarete Schramböck and President of the Austrian Federal Chamber of Commerce (WKO) Harald Mahrer extend the joint internationalization offensive "go-international" and provide EUR 25.6 million for the next two years. The funding will focus on the areas of innovation and technology, value chains and digitalization.
April 20, 2021
Austria Connect Greater China: Digital Transformation and Tomorrow's Customers
The Austrian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong hosts the largest Chinese-Austrian networking event in Asia.
October 22, 2019
Austria ist Überall: Austria's Exporters in the United States
The Austrian Trade Commissioner in New York, Michael Friedl, is pleased about the successful business of Austrian companies in the US American market with record export figures of 10.6 billion euros and a trade balance surplus of 4.6 billion euros.
August 23, 2019
Opening of the New Austrian Foreign Trade Centre in Vietnam
The Austrian Federal Economic Chamber's largest economic mission to Vietnam and Singapore is currently travelling in Southeast Asia to open a new base in Ho Chi Minh City and to sign a cooperation agreement in Singapore to establish a new Accelerator Programme.
May 16, 2019
New Austrian Foreign Trade Strategy: Growth, Jobs, Prosperity
In a joint event in the Aula of Sciences, the Federal Government's new foreign trade strategy was presented by Economics Minister Margarete Schramböck, Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl and President of the Chamber of Commerce Harald Mahrer. The key points of the strategy are the following: Perspective, value orientation, location effect, focal points, future orientation, communication, efficient coordination.
December 20, 2018