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Newsletter: Indian Business in Austria is Booming
Cooperation with the Indian Film Industry: Bollywood in Austria

Indian production companies visit potential film locations in Austria for future films. With the aim of exploring Austria as a backdrop for future Bollywood films, six producers from India's most renowned production houses will be visiting Austria from 9 to 15 September 2018.

British-Indian-Austrian Anadi Bank Remains on Growth Course

The former Austrian branches of Hypo Alpe-Adria-Bank International were bought by Indian Investor Sanjeev Kanoria and transferred to British-Indian-Austrian Anadi Bank in 2013. The bank continues its successful growth course in the first half of 2018, although the result from ordinary business activities declined by 37% and profit after tax by 42% compared to the same period of the previous year. The bank describes itself as a bank with the strengths of a tiger. The Anadi Tiger establishes, on the one hand, a symbolic connection to India, on the other hand, he embodies strength, speed, security and flexibility - qualities that the bank expects from itself. Also, Anadi means “eternal” in Hindi and stands for tradition, reliability, and sustainability.

Most Successful Season for Viennese Musicals: "I am from Austria" Extended

"I am from Austria" and "Dance of the Vampires (Tanz der Vampire)" have a booked capacity of almost 100%. In total, more than half a million visitors attended the two shows.

Meet the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to Austria: H.E. Mr. Mansoor Ahmad Khan

The new Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to Austria, H.E. Mr. Mansoor Ahmad Khan presented President Alexander Van der Bellen with his letter of accreditation at the Vienna Hofburg.

Textile Manufacturer Wolford Leaves Vienna Prime Market

The textile group Wolford, listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange, is moving from the Prime Market to the Standard Market.

Record Season for 2018 Film Festival at Vienna’s Rathausplatz

65 days of music, opera and dance on the big screen are now over. The City of Vienna reports about the great success of this year's Film Festival on Vienna's Rathausplatz. A perfect combination of culture, culinary delights and a splendid summer attracted almost a million guests.

Marcus Grausam Confirmed as CEO of A1 Telekom Austria AG

Marcus Grausam has been confirmed as CEO of A1 Telekom Austria AG, a subsidiary of A1 Telekom Austria Group. He was appointed interim CEO in October 2017. Grausam will also continue to perform his function as CTO.

Meet the Ambassador of the Republic of Cyprus to Austria: H.E. Ms. Elena Rafti

The new Cypriot Ambassador to Austria Elena Rafti presented President Alexander Van der Bellen with her letter of accreditation at the Vienna Hofburg.

Meet the New Ambassador of the Republic of Botswana to Austria: H.E. Ms. Athalia Lesiba Molokomme

The new Boswanese Ambassador to Austria, H.E. Ms. Athalia Lesiba Molokomme presented President Alexander Van der Bellen with her letter of accreditation at the Vienna Hofburg.

Meet the Ambassador of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana to Austria: H.E. Mr. David Hales