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Switzerland in Austria | Swiss in Vienna | Bilateral Relations
Austria and Switzerland - Read the latest headlines about bilateral relations in the areas of economy, business, investment, diplomacy, culture and tourism

Immofinanz Withdrawsfrom Swiss Hotel Market

The Austrian real estate group sells Kempinski Residences and Hotel as well as the Grand Hotel in St. Moritz.
February 18, 2013

Tax Deal with Liechtenstein: Austria Expects Substantial Tax Intake

Austria and its small neighbor country Liechtenstein will sign a tax deal. The treaty between Switzerland and Austria is a role model.
January 24, 2013

Hungary Wants Tax Treaty with Switzerland, Germany and Austria

Hungary tries to levy a lump sum tax on deposits of Hungarian nationals in Switzerland, Germany, Austria, the UK and Cyprus.
January 17, 2013

Austrian Purchasing Power Abroad Shrinks

For Austrians, Hungary and Croatia still leading the list of top destinations. The Holiday euro is worth slightly more in many Eurozone countries than in Austria.
December 28, 2012

Switzerland Ratifies Tax Treaty with Austria

Switzerland has approved the tax deal with Austria and the UK. The treaty will come into force by January 2013.
December 20, 2012

Hypo Group Sold AluFlexPack to MTC

After months of negotiations, the Austrian nationalized bank sold the Croatian aluminum company to the Switzerland-based Montana Tech Components.
November 30, 2012

Austrian Gold Stored in UK

80% of Austria´s gold reserves are stored in the U.K. Only 17% of the reserves are kept in Austria.
November 24, 2012

New Record Results for Montana Tech Components

The Switzerland-based industrial group Montana Tech Components AG (MTC-Group) recorded an increase in turnover by 10%. EBITDA was up by 33%.
November 23, 2012

Poland´s Komorowski: “Strong Swiss Franc Causes Problems”

On the occasion of a visit in Switzerland, the Polish President Bronislav Komorowski explained that the strong Swiss franc is a problem for both countries.
October 5, 2012

Tax Deal with Switzerland: No Referendum

The opponents of the treaty between Austria and Switzerland could not collect enough votes. About 47,500 signatures could be collected.
October 2, 2012

Austrian Tax Deal with Switzerland Wobbles

The citizens´ movement in Switzerland has collected enough signatures in order to hold a popular vote on the tax deal with Austria.
September 25, 2012

Austrian Financial Assets Decreasing

Austria is still among the wealthiest nations worldwide. According to a study of the German insurer Allianz, Austria ranks 15.
September 18, 2012

S&P: Foreign Currency Loans Endanger Austrian Banks

According to the U.S. rating agency, the high volume of foreign currency loans is a big danger for Austria´s banks. Nevertheless, the Austrian banking sector achieved the second best rating.
September 6, 2012

Record Results for MTC

Montana Tech Components could enhance revenues, earnings and profits in the first half of 2012. Revenues were up by 6%.
August 27, 2012

Is the Euro Bad for Austria?

According to UBS, the Austrian real income was down by 35% since 2000. The introduction of the euro is the main reason, UBS says. UniCredit and the Federation of Austrian Industries oppose to the study.
August 22, 2012

Foreign Currency Loans Decrasing

Foreign currency loans: One quarter of all Erste Bank customers have converted or switched loans with payment vehicles.
August 17, 2012

Switzerland: „Austrian Tax Deal Will Withstand“

The Swiss Parliament´s President Hans Altherr thinks that the Swiss tax deal with Austria will withstand a popular vote.
August 16, 2012

Tax Deal with Switzerland in Doubt

After a CD containing data of foreign tax evaders was bought by German authorities, Switzerland may hold a popular vote on the tax deal with Austria.
August 13, 2012

Ams: Revenue Growth Reached 66%

ams reports second quarter and first half results. EBIT was up remarkably.
July 24, 2012

Staff Efficiency: CESEE Catches Up

Regarding staff efficience, Eastern Europe has reached almost the West European level.
July 21, 2012

Switzerland: Popular Vote on Tax Treaty with Austria?

The bilateral tax treaty should bring Austria up to € 1.0bn After the treaty is signed and ratified, a popular vote may prevent the deal now.
July 17, 2012

Euris Interested in Croatian TLM-TVP

The Austrian aluminum trader Euris shows interest in the Croatian aluminum rolling mill. Austrian Hypo Group is the seller, the Swiss Montana Tech Components is still a potential buyer.
June 18, 2012

Tax Treaty with Switzerland Finally Confirmed

The second chamber oft he Swiss Parliament approved the tax deal with Austria, Germany and the U.K.
June 16, 2012

Montana Tech Components Achieves Record Results

The Swiss-based MTC Group could reach a new record in revenues and earnings.
June 16, 2012

Austrian Foreign Currency Loan Level Declining

FMA Q1 2012 Quarterly Survey on Changes in Foreign Currency Loans: Volume of outstanding FX loans continues long-term fall.
June 13, 2012

TLM Sale Process Stopped

Austria´s Hypo Group sells the Croatian aluminum company TLM. After the signing with the designated buyer, the Swiss Montana Group, the sale must be re-started.
June 8, 2012

Slow Growth in Austrian Foreign Trade

January to March 2012: small increase in imports (2.3%) and exports (2.8%).
June 6, 2012

Austrian Furniture Industry Increases its Exports

In 2011, the total production of the Austrian furniture industry decreased by 3.3 percent to close to € 2.3bn according to the latest figures.
June 6, 2012

Austrian Business Location: Further Slump in Competitiveness

According to the Swiss Management Institute IMD, Austria only ranks 21th among 59 analyzed countries. The Austrian tax policy is the absolute weak point.
May 31, 2012

Switzerland Ratifies Tax Treaty with Austria

The Swiss National Council approved the tax deal with Austria. Illegal funds of Austrian nationals in Switzerland will be taxed.
May 30, 2012

Switzerland: Resistance Against Tax Deal with Austria

Swiss parties are against the tax agreement with Austria. The social democrats and the Swiss People´s Party oppose the plan.
May 29, 2012

AUA: 250 Aircrew Member Leave

Until now, 80 pilots and 170 flight attendants decided to leave Austrian Airlines. The deadline runs until the end of May.
May 25, 2012

New Records for Austrian Tourism

Winter season 2011/12: with 64.3 million overnights still at a high level; new record of 16.4 million arrivals.
May 24, 2012

Black Labor Decreases

In Austria, the share of black labor is still big. However, there is a downward trend.
May 22, 2012

Keuschnigg: „Austria Needs More Federalism“

The new director of IHS (Institute of Advanced Studies) considers that a decentralization of the fiscal policy would bring more competition between the provinces.
May 18, 2012

Austria´s Bank Secret Endangered

„I will withstand.“ Maria Fekter, Austria´s Minister of Finance said. The resistance against the EU directive on the taxation of interest will not be given up, Fekter reaffirmed.
May 15, 2012

Keuschnigg Worries About Austria´s Competitiveness

The new director of IHS (Institute of Advanced Studies) Christian Keuschnigg suggests reforming the Austrian labor market. The welfare state would be too sophisticated.
May 15, 2012

Strong Increase in Austrian FDI

Only in 2007, Austrian investors made more investments abroad. Last year, FDI totaled € 22bn.
May 14, 2012

Common Energy Strategy for Germany, Austria and Switzerland

After the German nuclear exit, Switzerland and Austria should act as “green battery”.
May 2, 2012

Small Growth in Austrian Winter Season

The current tourism winter season 2011/12 recorded a rise in overnights by 2.1%.
April 26, 2012

Former GDR Funds: Bank Austria Has to Pay € 245m

Bank Austria lost a Zurich retrial over German demands for repayment of more than € 245m linked to the former East German Communist Party.
April 21, 2012

Austrian Opposition Increase Criticism on Swiss Tax Deal

For FPÖ, the tax deal with Switzerland is a “gift for tax evaders”. The Green Party sees support for tax fraud.
April 18, 2012

Tax Deal Fiercely Criticized

Last week, Austria concluded a tax treaty with Switzerland. For experts, the deal does not solve the main problems.
April 16, 2012

Austria and Switzerland Signed Tax Treaty

Austria´s Finance Minister Fekter signed the tax treaty with her Swiss colleague Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf. In 2013, additional tax intake of € 1.0bn is expected.
April 14, 2012

Swiss-Austrian Tax Treaty to be Signed

The tax treaty between Austria and Switzerland will be signed tomorrow on Friday. The tax rate is set at 38%.
April 12, 2012

Tax Treaty with Switzerland Close to be Finished

Austria aims for reach a tax agreement with Switzerland in order to tax illegal funds deposited by Austrian nationals at Swiss banks. An agreement seems to be within reach.
April 11, 2012

Where is Austria´s Gold?

The major part of Austria´s gold reserves should be located in the U.S. The Austrian Central Bank does not answer any questions.
April 10, 2012

Failed Austerity Package: „Austrian Rating Not Affected“

Bernhard Felderer, director of IHS (Institute of Advanced Studies) thinks that the incomplete austerity package has no effect on Austria´s prospects to return to the Triple-A status.
April 7, 2012

„AUA Must Achieve Turnaround on its own“

Christoph Franz, CEO of Lufthansa explains that the Austrian subsidiary will act independently also in future. Also the restructuring must be completed without Lufthansa´s help.
April 7, 2012

Austria Must Underline its Headquarter Function

Austria as hub for CEE markets is still popular. Nevertheless, there is a lack in a sustainable and flexible strategy. The geographical proximity to CEE countries is insufficient.
April 2, 2012