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Austria and Slovenia - Read the latest headlines about bilateral relations in the areas of economy, business, investment, diplomacy, culture and tourism

CEE/CESEE: Banking Sector on Fastlane

The banking sector in CEE continues to outperform its Western European counterpart.
May 13, 2013

Slovenia Likely To Require More State Funds Than Expected

According to Morgan Stanley, the Slovenian national treasury will need a further amount of € 11bn until 2016. Slovenian Finance Minister Cufer is expected to present the new program in Brussels today.
May 13, 2013

Slovenia: NLB to Fire Workstaff

Slovenia's biggest bank, NLB, is to make up to 700 of its workstaff redundant.
May 10, 2013

Slovenia to Raise VAT and Sell 15 State Enterpises

Slovenia has announced to put 15 state companies up for sale and raise VAT in order to acquire revenues and avoid international bailout.
May 10, 2013

Slovenia: No Agreement on Fiscal Rule

Coalition and opposition remain divided over the question on when to implement the new fiscal law.
May 6, 2013

EU: Hungary and Slovenia Have to Act Quickly

The European Union issued warnings to Slovenia and Hungary to move quickly.
May 6, 2013

30th Financial Conference - Where are we and where are we headed?

Slovenia will witness further privatisation in 2013
May 6, 2013

Slovenia: South Stream Gas Pipeline Project to Get National Priority Status?

Russia urges Slovenia to give the South Stream gas pipeline project national priority status.
May 6, 2013

Success for Slovenian Bonds at US Market

Slovenia was able to gain some of the required funds for the restructuring of its banking sector through the US bond market.
May 3, 2013

CESEE: Business Climate Index Dropped in April

Enterprises in CESEE countries remain cautious for the most part.
May 2, 2013

Vienna: Infrastructure & Construction Summit Brings Together All Balkan Countries
Government ministers from Austria and various Balkan countries will be discussing infrastructure and construction in the region at a two-day summit in Vienna at the end of May.
April 30, 2013 · Sponsored Content

„Slovenia Can Manage On Its Own“

In an interview with Austrian newspaper Kurier, President of the Slovenian Bankers Association France Arhar stresses that Slovenia is not the new Cyprus.
April 29, 2013

Kapsch TrafficCom Last Bidder for Major Project in Slovenia

Austrian listed electronic toll system provider Kapsch is the only bidder for the establishing of an electronic toll system for trucks in Slovenia.
April 26, 2013

Slovenia: Government to Vote On Regulations

Changes to the acts on Slovenian state-owned enterprises are supposed to help restructure and remove the lid from the amount of state aid money granted.
April 24, 2013

Schwarzenberg: „Slovenia Joining V4 Would Not Be Efficient“

V4 Foreign Ministers have declared disapprobation of Slovenia joining the group.
April 19, 2013

Rehn: Slovenia Has to Take Actions Immediatly

EU official presses Slovenia to restructure its banking industry to evade bailout.
April 19, 2013

Slovenia: State Aid to Rescue and Re-Structure Companies

At its regular session, the Government also approved the draft Act Governing the Rescue and Restructuring Aid for Companies in Difficulty.
April 18, 2013

Croatia Looking at EU Through Rose-Tinted Glasses

On July 1, Croatia will be joining the EU as 28th member state. Croatia is the first country after the economic crisis to become a member of the Union.
April 17, 2013

Poland: Favorable Forecast Despite of Recession in 2013

Poland’s economy is the biggest among the younger member states and continues to grow even with the current recession.
April 17, 2013

Slovenia to Emerge From Quagmire By Itself?

A recent report by the OECD paints a dim picture of the country’s economic future.
April 17, 2013

Slovenia to Sell Two State Enterprises

On a press conference on Friday, Prime Minister Bratusek announced the selling of two state-owned companies, one of them being a bank.
April 13, 2013

Bad Outlook for Slovenia’s Economy

Slovenia receives bad marks in a report by the EU Commission. Together with Spain, Slovenia’s economy is endagered to collapse in case measures will not be made in the next few weeks.
April 11, 2013

Fitch Downgrades Slovenian Banks to Junk Status

Rating agency Fitch has downgraded the creditworthiness of five Slovenian Banks.
April 8, 2013

Czech President Zeman Wants Slovenia As 5th Visegrad Member

The proposal made by Czech’s president Milos Zeman does not arouse enthousiasm among Slovak citizens.
April 6, 2013

Slovenia: “We Will Need No Bailout This Year”

Since Greece, Spain and Cyprus are currently finding themselves in disastrous economic situations, Slovenia does not want to seem like the next bail-out candidate.
March 30, 2013

Slovenia: Situation For Banks Still Shaky

According to the National Bank, the new government in Slovenia needs to avoid becoming the new setting of bail-out negotiations with the EU after the banking crisis in Cyprus.
March 28, 2013

Slovenia: NLB Gets Own Bad Bank

Slovenia biggest bank, Nova Ljubljanska Banka (NLB), is going to establish its own intern bad bank.
March 28, 2013

National Bank of Slovenia Reports Slowing Growth

The banking system’s total assets were down by € 88.5m in January or 6.6% y/y. The banks repaid liabilities to foreign banks in the amount of € 171m and to the Eurosystem in the amount of € 78m.
March 21, 2013

Slovenia: Highest Decrease in Construction Industry

In January 2013, compared with December 2012, the production in construction in the Eurozone was down by 1.4% and down by 1.3% in EU27-states. Slovenia experiences the highest decrease with 7.4 %.
March 19, 2013

Economic Convergence: Slovenia Falls Back

In 2012, GDP in the euro area declined by 0.5%, as economic situation also worsened in the core countries. The gap by which Slovenia trails the euro area average further deepened.
March 14, 2013

Slovenia: New Coalition Stands

Slovenia´s new Prime Minister Alenka Bratusek is the head of a four-party-coalition.
March 13, 2013

Austria Welcomes Agreement between Croatia and Slovenia

"The last stumbling block for Croatia's accession to the EU has been removed by solving the Ljubljanska Banka issue."
March 13, 2013

Slovenia/Croatia: Paving the Way for Brussels

Today, both heads of government, Janez Jansa and Zoran Milanovic, signed the “Memorandum of Understanding” in Mokrice which will permit Croatia to become a full EU member.
March 11, 2013

Recession in Euro-Area Still Affects CESEE Countries

According to the Vienna Institute For International Economic Studies (wiiw), the double-dip recession over, yet there is no economic growht in sight for CESEE countries.
March 7, 2013

Slovenian National Bank: “GDP Decline in Line with Expectations”

The Governing Board of the Bank of Slovenia discussed current economic and financial developments.
March 7, 2013

Slovenia/Croatia: Agreement over Bank Dispute

After years of debate, there seem to be a final agreement in the fight for the insolvent Ljubljanska Banka. The settlement should pave the way for Croatia’s becoming an EU member state.
March 7, 2013

EU: Slovenia´s Economy Shrinks Fastest

Second estimate for the fourth quarter of 2012: Euro area GDP down by 0.6% and EU27 down by 0.5%. Compared with the fourth quarter of 2011, the growth rates come at -0.9% and -0.6% respectively.
March 6, 2013

Slovakia: Gross Domestic Product Rose in Q 4 of 2012

Compared to Q 3 of 2012 this means an increase of 0.2 %, by y/y the GDP rose by 2 %.
March 6, 2013

Slovenia: New Government to be Built

Until March 14, the new administration should be nominated. However, 32 % think that the new head of government will not be able to form a government.
March 5, 2013

Slovenia: Bratusek New Head of Government

Today, Slovenia´s Lower House of Parliament has elected a new Prime Minister. Janez Jansa continues to manage the government business.
February 27, 2013

Slovenia: Jansa Remains Prime Minister

Today, Slovenia´s Parliament will elect a new official head of government. However, Jansa will continue the government business.
February 27, 2013

CESEE Region Still Has Enormous Growth Potential

“CEE growth drivers intact but innovation is needed to start convergence 2.0” Erste Group says.
February 20, 2013

CESEE: Stress of Competition is Growing

CEE significantly more industrialized than euro area (30% vs. 19%) but still needs to catch up in terms of competitiveness.
February 20, 2013

Hypo Group: Sale of Austrian Unit „at a Late Stage”

According to Hypo Group, the results of the Austrian unit for 2012 are “highly satisfying”.
February 16, 2013

Slovenian Central Bank Wants to Boost Economic Growth

Since the middle of last year, the Bank of Slovenia and the Bank Association of Slovenia have been coordinating their action to improve the business conditions for the real sector.
February 14, 2013

Massive Losses in Slovenian Banking Sector

Last year, the banking industry has recorded total losses of more than € 600m, the Slovenian business magazine “Finance” reports.
February 13, 2013

S&P Downgrades Slovenia

Today, the U.S. rating agency has lowered the credit rating of the financially stricken country. Further downgrades are not unlikely.
February 13, 2013

Slovenia Faces New Elections

The Slovenian government is under massive pressure. A government collapse is more than likely.
February 11, 2013

CESEE Office Market Shows Solid Fundamentals

CESEE office market is undergoing a stable development; rental levels remain largely solid in most of the region, Erste Group says.
February 11, 2013

„Slovenia Will Become a Star Again“

In an interview with the Austrian daily newspaper “Presse”, Slovenia´s President Borut Pahor demonstrates optimism. He admits that many Slovenians feel injustice.
February 9, 2013