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Power Struggle at Red Bull?
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Published: April 4, 2012; 19:44 ♦ (Vindobona)
After the death of the inventor of Thai-Austrian energy drink, a power struggle between Mateschitz and the new majority owner may arise.
Power Struggle at Red Bull? / Picture: © Wikimedia Commons / Gigi Soldano [Attribution]
Two weeks ago, the inventor of Red Bull, the Thai Chaleo Yoovidhja died. Yoovidhja held a 49% stake in Red Bull. The energy drink company is also partially owned by the Austrian national and CEO, Dietrich Mateschitz. The remaining 2% are owned by Yoovidhja´s son Chalerm (61). Mateschitz, who said to have lost “not only a business partner, but also a grood friend”, commented that…
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