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Wolfgang Anzengruber

Austria's President Van der Bellen Brings in Experts on Energy and Climate Issues as Advisors
Ex-Verbund boss Wolfgang Anzengruber and Wifo economist Angela Köppl are volunteering their expertise to Austrian President Van der Bellen. According to the Federal President's Office, the war in Ukraine and inflation, as well as the slowly emerging energy crisis in Europe, call for expert advice on energy economics and climate issues.
August 31, 2022

Moody´s Downgrades Austrian Verbund

The rating agency lowers the rating of the Austrian energy group from „A3“ to „Baa1“.
August 2, 2013

Austria: Verbund to Take Austerity Measures

Only a few months ago, CEO of Verbund Wolfgang Anzengruber promised that “2013 will become the best year in the company’s history”. However, there have been bad news for the energy company ever since.
August 1, 2013

Verbund to Write Off Gas Power Plants

During an analyst’s conference in London and after the closing of the stock exchange, energy company Verbund announced dampened earning prospects.
June 13, 2013

Foreign Enterprises Complain About Romanian Policy Making.

Regulations in energy sector were changed overnight.
April 26, 2013

Verbund AG: New appointments to the Executive Board

Peter Kollmann becomes new CFO of the Austrian energy supplier. CEO Wolfgang Anzengruber was confirmed.
March 5, 2013

Anzengruber: „Withdrawal from Turkey is no Issue Yet“

Wolfgang Anzengruber, CEO of the Austrian energy company Verbund, emphasizes that Turkey is a future market.
September 27, 2012

Verbund Wants to Leave France

After the sale of its stake in Poweo, the Austrian energy company intends to sell the remaining gas power plants in France.
May 5, 2012

Verbund Focuses Investments on Austria

The Austrian energy company plans investments of € 2.4bn in the next five years. About 66% of these investments will be made in Austria.
April 12, 2012

Verbund Expects Drop in Earnings

The Austrian electricity group announced an update of its investment plan and provided guidance on its financial outlook for 2011 and 2012.
September 9, 2011

Peter Layr New President of Oesterreichs Energie

The CEO of EVN will succeed Wolfgang Anzengruber as President of the branch association of Austrian energy. He was elected for three years.
June 28, 2011

Verbund Evaluating Future Options for Sorgenia

The Austrian electricity company and its partner, the Milanese industrial holding CIR, will decide about the future shareholder structure of their joint venture.
June 9, 2011

CEO of Verbund Expects Steady Increase of Electricity Price

Anzengruber demands faster approval procedures for the expansion of infrastructure in order to keep prices on an affordable level.
June 1, 2011

Spindelegger New Vice-Chancellor and Head of ÖVP

Michael Spindelegger succeeds Josef Pröll as leader of the conservative party and Vice-Chancellor. Who will be in charge of the Minister of Finance, is still not clear.
April 15, 2011

Verbund: Expected Improvement in Earnings for 2011

Wolfgang Anzengruber, CEO of the Austrian energy group Verbund, foresees growth in earnings and a stable result for 2011
April 14, 2011

Anzengruber: Austria Should Halve Energy Consumption by 2050

Verbund CEO Wolfgang Anzengruber believes that energy efficiency can be increased significantly. The energy industry needs further investments in order to achieve this.
March 17, 2011

Verbund: Research Alliance with Technology University

The power group intends to expand its know-how in the field of environmental technology through cooperation with the Technical University of Vienna (TU).
March 10, 2011

Umweltdachverband: Electricity Industry Power Plant List is Utopian!

Energy projects are unrealistic, alternatives have been ignored and the environment is neglected completely, according to the accusations.
November 8, 2010

Verbund: Warning Concerning Profit

Despite worsening results, the Verbund Group holds fast to the capital increase. Core shareholders go along.
October 28, 2010

Large Power Plant in Turkey: Verbund concludes Joint Venture

With an investment volume of 550 million euro, the Verbund operates together with its Turkish partner Sabanci Holding, a gas-steam power plant.
October 25, 2010

Energy - Three offers for Verbund power plants

Those interested are European companies. By mid 2011 the partial sale of Innkraftwerke shall be completed. Right now the current prospects review the economic documents.
September 7, 2010