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Klaus Liebscher

Hypo Group: New Supervisory Board President

Herbert Walter becomes head of the nationalized Austrian Balkan lender Hypo Group Alpe Adria. According to Austrian Finance Minister Michael Spindelegger, Hypo Group needs even more capital injections.
March 24, 2014

Hypo Group: Decision about Future Delayed

The decision about the future of Austrian problem bank Hypo will be delayed.
February 28, 2014

Hypo Group: New Figures Added to Number Games

The number games in regard to Hypo Group’s downsizing to not seem to cease. New figures will be released by the bank’s task force at the beginning of next week.
February 27, 2014

Hypo Group Insolvency to Cost € 10bn at Least

Taxpayers in Austria would be burdened with at least € 10bn if Hypo Group was sent into insolvency.
February 26, 2014

Austria: “Council of the Wise“ for Hypo Group

Instead of a parliamentary investigation committee the coalition expressed its wish to appoint a “Council of the Wise” for the the assessment of the ailing bank’s nationalization.
February 25, 2014

Hypo Group: Nowotny Calls for Fast Proceeding

Newly designated head of Hypo Group’s task force, Governor of the Austrian National Bank (OeNB) Ewald Nowotny, calls upon the government to fastly proceed with the downsizing of the ailing bank.
February 24, 2014

Austria: Spindelegger under Attack

Finance Minister Spindelegger is under attack by former head of Hypo Group’s task force, Liebscher.
February 24, 2014

Hypo Group: Nowotny to Replace Liebscher

After Liebscher, head of Hypo Group’s task force, announced throwing in the towel Nowotny, Governor of the Austrian National Bank (OeNB), will become his successor.
February 22, 2014

Austria: Head of Hypo Group’s Task Force to Resign

Klaus Liebscher, head of Hypo Group’s task force, steps down.
February 21, 2014

Government Examines Haircut of Hypo Group’s Investors

Ignoring the warnings of Hypo Group’s task force, Finance Minister Michael Spindelegger now wants investors in Hypo Group to participate in the restructuring of the ailing bank.
February 21, 2014

Spindelegger: Taxpayers Should Not Carry Whole Load

Finance Minister Spindelegger declared himself in favor of a haircut of creditors of problem bank Hypo Group.
February 20, 2014

Liebscher: Government Is to Blame

Head of Hypo Group’s Task Force Klaus Liebscher rejects being turned into the scapegoat of delaying important decisions about the downsizing of the problem bank. Instead, he points his finger to the Austrian government.
February 20, 2014

Government Downplaying Effects of Hypo Group Desaster

Today, both Chancellor Werner Faymann and Finance Minister Michael Spindelegger had to explain their actions in regard to Hypo Group Alpe Adria in parliament.
February 17, 2014

Hypo Group Alpe Adria: Nowotny Attacks Fekter

Governor of the Austrian National Bank (OeNB) Ewald Nowotny criticizes former Minister of Finance Maria Fekter sharply and blames her for inactivity.
February 15, 2014 · Updated: February 15, 2014; 18:19

Hypo Group: Emergency Sitting in National Assembley Fixed

An extraordinary session in the National Assembley will take place next Monday in regard to Hypo Group Alpe Adria.
February 12, 2014

Hypo-Disaster: Harsh Criticism from Opposition

The opposition parties have expressed their unanimous criticism about the government failing to come to a joint decision with the Austrian banks and consequently forwarding all costs to the taxpayers.
February 11, 2014

Austria: Bank Participation for Hypo Off

A participation model with Austrian banks can be ruled out for ailing Hypo Group. Instead, a more expensive version will be applied.
February 10, 2014

Hyp Group Alpe Adria: “No Unnecessary Bankruptcy”

Klaus Liebscher, president of Hypo Group´s supervisory board, points out that Hypo Group´s bankruptcy would involve enormous risks. The Austrian government remains conspicuously calm.
February 7, 2014

Hypo Group Alpe Adria: Harsh Criticism on Austrian Government

The Austrian opposition blames the government for concealing the biggest financial disaster in Austria´s history. Governor of the Austrian National Bank Ewald Nowotny is under fire too.
February 6, 2014

“Hypo Group Bankruptcy Would Affect RBI Adversely“

According to the Vienna-based Raiffeisen Bank International, both a joint bad bank and Hypo Group´s insolvency have negative consequences on RBI´s share.
February 5, 2014

Austrian Government Does Not Rule Out Hypo Group´s Bankruptcy Anymore (2/2)

In the past few weeks, the Austrian government and the Austrian National Bank excluded this alternative categorically. Now, the bankruptcy scenario seems to be an option again.
February 4, 2014

Austrian Government Does Not Rule Out Hypo Group´s Bankruptcy Anymore (1/2)

In the past few weeks, the Austrian government and the Austrian National Bank excluded this alternative categorically. Now, the bankruptcy scenario seems to be an option again.
February 4, 2014

Hypo Group: Calls for Bankruptcy Become Louder

The Austrian government wants to prevent the bankruptcy of the nationalized lender Hypo Group Alpe Adria. However, there are better arguments for an orderly insolvency.
February 3, 2014

Suspicious Secrecy in the Cause of Hypo Group Alpe Adria

In the matter of Hypo Group Alpe Adria, the Austrian government acts disconcertingly. Details on the situation of the nationalized banks are still kept as a secret.
February 1, 2014

Austrian Government Skirting around Decision over Hypo

A paper reporting about the four options for downsizing Hypo Group has not been published by the government yet.
January 31, 2014

Nowotny: “We Want Clarity“

The governor of the Austrian National Bank presses the government for swift actions to find an acceptable downsizing solution for Hypo Group. Further steps will only be made in February.
January 27, 2014

Hypo Group Alpe Adria: Austrian Government Is Helpless

The nationalized lender urgently needs a sustainable future concept. In reality, however, uncertainty is dominating.
January 27, 2014

Hypo Group: Decision Within First Quarter of 2014

The long-awaited meeting between the government and Hypo Group’s taskforce has been fixed to find a solution of the Austrian problem bank. The option of a bank participation is still on top of the list.
January 23, 2014

Hypo Group: No Alternative to Bad Bank

The time pressure on the Austrian government is growing day by day. The nationalized Austrian problem bank urgently needs a bad bank.
January 14, 2014

Austria: Expert Paper for Hypo Group’s Bad Bank

An expert paper about possible downsizing options for state-controlled problem bank Hypo Group Alpe Adria is expected to be handed in to the government until the middle of the week.
January 13, 2014

Austria: Hypo Group Looking for New CRO

Deputy CEO and chief risk officer of Hypo Group Wolfgang Edelmüller will resign as of the end of February.
January 10, 2014

VBAG: Complete Write-Off Possible

The Austrian state may has to write down its interest completely. Further capital injections are very likely. Also VBAG´s other shareholders will be obliged to provide fresh funds for the ailing bank.
January 4, 2014

Hypo Group Alpe Adria: „Bad Bank Will Come“

Klaus Liebscher, chairman of Hypo Group´s supervisory board, underlines that a bad bank will be established for the nationalized lender. Nevertheless, the bank remains the biggest financial disaster in Austria´s history.
January 4, 2014

Austria: Options of Bad Bank for Hypo under Examination

Finance Minister Spindelegger intends to meet with experts to discuss options of a bad bank for Hypo Group Alpe Adria.
December 20, 2013

Capital Injection for Hypo Group Approved

In the general assembley of Hypo Group the path was cleared for a further capital injection in the amount of € 800m.
December 13, 2013

Hypo Group Alpe Adria: Liebscher Against Haircut

Klaus Liebscher, chairman of Hypo Group’s supervisory board, is strictly against a debt cut at the nationalized bank. He expects a decision about a bad bank only in the first quarter next year.
December 10, 2013

Austria: Government Rules Out Hypo Group’s Insolvency

Chancellor Faymann referred to incalculable economic and political consequential effects due to the liabilities assumed by Hypo Group Alpe Adria.
December 3, 2013

„We Can Exclude a Bankruptcy of Hypo Group”

Ewald Nowotny, governor of the Austrian National Bank (OeNB) and Klaus Liebscher, head of Hypo Group´s supervisory board argue that the nationalized bank will be downsized according to plan.
November 29, 2013

Austria: Cernko Favors Participation in Bad Bank

CEO of Bank Austria Willibald Cernko is in favor of Austrian banks participating in a bad bank for Hypo Group Alpe Adria.
November 21, 2013

RBI Approves Participation in Bad Bank for Hypo

CEO of RBI Sevelda expects Austrian government to set a time limit for bank levies until the end of 2016.
November 18, 2013

“Bank Aid for Hypo Group Is too Late“

The Austrian economist Franz Hahn argues that capital injections into Hypo Group Alpe Adria are ineffective.
November 16, 2013

Hypo Bad Bank Not to be Established Before 2014

Insiders do not expect the downsizing unit for state-owned Hypo Group Alpe Adria to be established before 2014.
November 15, 2013

Austria: Bad Bank For Hypo As Good As Guaranteed.

Chancellor Faymann and Deputy Chancellor Spindelegger are in favor of creating a bad bank for Hypo Group.
November 14, 2013

Hypo Group: Restraining Effect on Budget Consolidation

According to the EU’s autumn prognosis, nationalized Hypo Group and its liabilities running in the billions still have a restraining effect on the Austrian budget consolidation.
November 5, 2013

Austria: Liquidation No Option for Hypo Group

Nationalized-by force Hypo Group Alpe Adria, which is struggling under liabilities running in the billions, will not be closed. OeNB rejects rumors about establishing a bad bank
November 4, 2013

Hypo Group to Create Bad Bank

After months of considerations, the Austrian government will decide for the bad bank. The nationalized banking group will be a major burden for the state.
October 26, 2013

Hypo Group Reigned by Greed and Criminal Activities

In an interview with Austrian daily “Standard“ forensic expert of nationlized Hypo Group Christian Böhler revealed that former managers of the bank enriched themselves personally.
October 21, 2013

Austria: Decisions about Hypo Group Expected This Year

Decisions about the future of problem bank Hypo Alpe Adria will in all likelihood be delayed.
October 16, 2013

Hypo Group Needs up to € 17bn

The scenarios for the nationalized Austrian banking group become even more pessimistic.
September 12, 2013

Austria: Spindelegger in Favor of “Creative Model“ for Banks

Deputy Chancellor Spindelegger seems willing to lead open discussions about the extension of bank levies.
September 6, 2013