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Government Examines Haircut of Hypo Group’s Investors
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Published: February 21, 2014; 16:44 ♦ (Vindobona)
Ignoring the warnings of Hypo Group’s task force, Finance Minister Michael Spindelegger now wants investors in Hypo Group to participate in the restructuring of the ailing bank.
Government Examines Haircut of Hypo Group’s Investors / Picture: © Flickr / The Austrian Foreign Ministry
Investors, who have paid significantly less for Hypo Group bonds, are supposed to contribute to the downsizing of the problem bank, Spindelegger announced during a radio interview on Friday and points to bonds, which are currently traded at € 24 for a nominal value of € 100.
“I do not understand why somebody, who buys this (bond) today, will get one hundred Euros back from…
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