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Joerg Wojahn

New Head of the European Commission in Austria Took Up His Post

Martin Selmayr, until recently Secretary General of the European Commission and previously Head of Cabinet of President Jean-Claude Juncker, became Head of the Commission's Representation in Austria on 1 November. The Representation has around 20 staff and acts as a link between Brussels and the people, politics, business, media and interest groups in Austria.
October 31, 2019

European Commission: Changing of the Guard in Austria

Dr. Martin Selmayr takes over the position of Head of Representation in Austria from Dr. Jörg Wojahn as of 1 November 2019. Mr. Wojahn has been appointed as the new Head of the European Commission's Representation in Berlin.
August 13, 2019

Head of the European Commission in Vienna Leaves for Berlin

The current head of the EC European Commission in Vienna, the German citizen Dr. Jörg Wojahn, will move back to Germany as Head of the European Commission's Representation in Berlin.
August 7, 2019

EU and UN - 40 Years Together in Vienna

Both the UN United Nations and the EU European Union celebrate their 40th anniversary in Vienna. The Delegation of the European Union to the International Organisations in Vienna was established as soon as the United Nations opened their Vienna headquarters in 1979.
May 27, 2019

Antisemitism in Austria - Initiative to Reverse Worrying Trends

As the Jewish community in Austria reports growing concerns about the rise of antisemitism, at the invitation of the FRA - EU Agency for Fundamental Rights, local and EU policymakers, Jewish community organisations and civil society met to discuss how to combat this worrying trend.
May 3, 2019

Bratislava - Vienna Railway Line Extended

The two EU capitals Vienna and Bratislava are approaching each other. After a construction period of about two years, representatives of Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB), the EU, the City of Vienna and the Province of Lower Austria opened the first part, the so-called "Vienna section" of the Vienna - Bratislava line extension. The completion of the second part, the so-called "Lower Austrian Section", will last until 2023. The journey time from the main railway station in Vienna (Hauptbahnhof-Wien) to the main railway station in Bratislava (Bratislava hlavná stanica) will be reduced from 66 minutes to 40 minutes.
December 5, 2018

Intercultural Achievement Award Fosters Dialogue Between Cultures

The Austrian Foreign Ministry presented the Intercultural Achievement Award (IAA) for the fifth time. The award honours inspiring projects in civil society that foster intercultural dialogue and coexistence. This time the award for sustainability went to a project from Mozambique. Ambassador Jörg Wojahn, the Representation of the European Commission in Vienna, and Secretary General of the OSCE Thomas Greminger used the dialogue-based work of their own institutions as a starting point and awarded prizes to projects from Ukraine and Tunisia.
September 14, 2018

The Future of the EU: Europe Day Is To Be Given Greater Importance

On Europe Day, one pupil from each member state of the European Union came to the Hofburg for a discussion. More political education in schools and a more comprehensive climate policy are their main demands. "We are 20 percent of the population, but 100 percent of the future."
May 11, 2018