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Concert Night at the Austrian Foreign Ministry: Music as a Bridge between Cultures
Austria's Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg hosted a special concert evening at the Palais Niederösterreich under the motto “The unifying power of music”. For the second time, this event, organized by the Foreign Ministry's “Dialogue of Cultures” task force, was an impressive example of how art and music can build bridges and promote dialogue.
November 26, 2024

Preliminary Presentation in Vienna of UN Study Results on Fast Fashion and Old Clothes
The Austrian-based foundation COMÚN and the Chilean study author, Beatriz O'Brien, exclusively show the disastrous consequences of "waste colonialism" in research ordered by the UN in the run-up to the "Austrian Consumer Dialogues: Textiles".
June 19, 2023

List of National Days of the Home Countries of All Foreign Missions and Delegations in Vienna, Austria
The Vindobona table below is an updated list of National Days of all nations, which belong to at least one of following categories: Foreign Missions and Delegations in Vienna, Austria; Diplomatic Corps and other representations in Austria; International Organizations in Vienna and Permanent Missions; Missions and Delegations to the OSCE.
February 11, 2015 · Updated: December 14, 2022; 08:12

Meet the New Permanent Representative of Chile to the United Nations in Vienna
Rodrigo Olsen Olivares, Chile's new permanent representative to the United Nations (Vienna), presented his credentials to the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Vienna, Ghada Waly. Meet Ambassador Rodrigo Olsen Olivares, the new permanent representative of Chile to the International Organizations in Vienna.
September 20, 2022

Vienna Welcomes New Ambassadors from Sweden, New Zealand, Chile, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Latvia, Maldives and Barbados

Austrian Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen welcomed the eight newly accredited Ambassadors of the Kingdom of Sweden, New Zealand, the Republic of Chile, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Maldives, and Barbados to the Presidential Chancellery of the Vienna Imperial Palace for the presentation of their letters of accreditation.
September 17, 2021

New Permanent Representative of Chile to the United Nations Office at Vienna Presents her Credentials

The new Permanent Representative of Chile to the United Nations Office at Vienna (UNOV), Ms. Belén Constanza Sapag Muñoz de la Peña, presented her credentials to the Director-General of the UNOV, Ms. Ghada Waly. Learn more about her background.
August 11, 2021

Diplomats for the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia 2019

More and more embassies, delegations and permanent representations to international organisations supported this day (IDAHOBIT), that raises awareness of LGBT rights violations and stimulate interest in LGBT rights work worldwide, as well as EuroPride 2019 in Vienna.
May 29, 2019

New Working Holiday Program Enables Young Argentinians to Experience Living in Austria

Austria includes the largest Spanish-speaking nation, Argentina, in its range of working holiday programmes, so that in the future young people between 18 and 30 years of age from both countries will be able to travel more easily to the other country and gain new valuable experience on the labour market during a given period.
April 5, 2019

Meet the New Ambassador of the Republic of Chile to Austria: H.E. Mrs. Gloria Navarrete Pinto

The new Ambassador of the Republic of Chile to Austria, H.E. Mrs. Gloria Navarrete Pinto presented Austrian Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen with her letter of accreditation at the Vienna Hofburg.
September 19, 2018

Strabag subsidiary Züblin awarded EUR 400 million contract in Chile(with document)

Züblin International, a subsidiary of publicly listed construction company STRABAG, has been awarded a EUR 400 million contract by Codelco, the world's largest copper producer. The Chuquicamata Mine, located in northern Chile, will be transformed from the world's largest open pit to an underground operation.
June 13, 2016

Cost of Living Rankings: CEE Capitals Cheaper, Vienna is 32nd Most Expensive City

The Mercer's 2014 Cost of Living Rankings have been published and cover 211 cities across five continents. While Western European cities have all risen in the rankings mainly due to the strengthening of the Euro against the US dollar, most cities in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), however have fallen in the ranking as a result of local currencies depreciating against the US dollar. Bratislava (#84), Prague (#92), Kiev (#98), Ljubljana (#116), Zagreb (#120), Budapest (#135), Warsaw (#142), Belgrade (#184).
July 25, 2014

“Using the location Vienna as a bridge between the EU and Latin America”

Austrian State Secretary calls for cooperation in security issues and sustainable energy at the international organisations headquarters in Vienna.
January 28, 2013

Fischer Meets Kirchner

The Austrian President Heinz Fischer has started his state visit in Argentina.
December 3, 2012

Strabag: Major Order in Chile

Strabag awarded large-scale contract for Alto Maipo Hydropower Plant in Chile. Contract value of USD 490m. Design and construction time of four and a half years.
November 9, 2012

Major Order for Strabag in Chile

The Austrian construction company was awarded for a tunnelling contract at world’s largest copper mine in Chile.
July 10, 2012

Andritz: Major Order from Chile

The Austrian Andritz Energy & Environment receives major order to supply equipment for two coal-fired power stations in Chile.
March 22, 2012

Plansee Expands Into Chile

The Austrian Plansee Group acquires minority ownership of the Chilean company Molibdenos y Metales S.A.
April 5, 2011