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Carlos Slim

Huawei's 5G Network Technology in Austria: Systemic Rival at the Gate to Europe

While all eyes in Europe are focused on the Russia-Ukraine side conflict, the true war is raging elsewhere, namely in network technology between China and the West. This technology war is about nothing less than the global security-technological leadership role of the next decades, and thus about the decisive question of whether the Western democratic world order can assert itself or whether the Chinese authoritarian system with totalitarian surveillance will prevail. Due to its relative weakness, Austria plays an important and central key role in this process. While most Western countries are increasingly and decidedly resisting the deployment of the 5G network infrastructure largely supplied by Huawei and ZTE - which are intricately owned and substantially controlled by the Chinese Communist Party - there are quite a few telecom providers in Austria who are using and even expanding this technology, primarily because their economic survival is already dependent on this technology, and secondly because the Austrian state is largely toothless and ignorant in the face of the push by the Chinese equipment suppliers and their lobbyists.
February 9, 2022 · Updated: February 9, 2022; 21:56

Analysis: Telecom Liechtenstein AG

Telecom Liechtenstein AG ist eine Aktiengesellschaft liechtensteinischen Rechts mit Sitz in Vaduz. Die TLI war bisher zu 100 % im Eigentum des Fürstentums Liechtenstein. Nun hat A1 Telekom Austria (mit Mobilkom Liechtenstein) 24.9 Prozent der Anteile übernommen.
July 1, 2014

Slim Now Officially Core Shareholder of Telekom Austria

América Móvil Holds Directly and Indirectly 22.76% of Total Shares of Telekom Austria AG. The seller, the Austrian investor Ronny Pecik has no shares in Telekom Austria anymore.
September 25, 2012

Telekom Austria Considers Partnership With Dutch KPN

At the beginning of December, Telekom Austria´s CEO Hannes Ametsreiter will present a common strategy with Dutch KPN. In meantime, synergies should be found.
August 29, 2012

Slim to Enter Polish Telecom Firms

The Mexican investor, who recently acquired a 25.9% in Telekom Austria, wants to expand in Poland.
August 25, 2012

Telekom Austria Under Pressure

In Austria, the competitive pressure is growing. America Movil wants Telekom Austria to grow in the CESEE region.
August 17, 2012

Telekom Austria: Authorities Approve Slim´s Entry

As expected, the public telecommunication authority TKK (Telecommunication Control Commission) approved the entry of the Mexican investor at Telekom Austria.
August 1, 2012

Telekom Austria: Expansion Program to be Accelerated

After the entry of Carlos Slim, Telekom Austria hopes to get more funds for further expansion steps.
July 30, 2012

Slim´s Entry at Telekom Austria Approved

The Austrian Federal Competition Authority (BWB) has no objections against the acquisition by Carlos Slim.
July 27, 2012

America Movil Checks Telekom Austria

For one month, the Mexican investor Carlos Slim is the second-biggest investor at Telekom Austria. This week, he collected information about Telekom Austria´s technology and marketing strategy.
July 12, 2012

Austrian Authorities Examine Slim´s Entry at Telekom

After the acquisition of Ronny Pecik´s stakes in Telekom Austria, the Mexican investor will hold 26%. The Austrian Federal Competition Authority (BWB) examines until the end of July.
July 3, 2012

ÖIAG: No Solution in Sight

Today, the supervisory board of the Austrian Industrial Holding (ÖIAG) had a meeting. A clear strategy will not be found anyway.
June 28, 2012

Telekom Austria: Pecik Achieved Sale Proceeds of € 882m

The Austrian investor sold his 21.0% share in Telekom Austria to Carlos Slim. The share price was € 9.50.
June 25, 2012

Telekom Austria: Slim Expected to Invest Further

The Mexican investor controls about 26.9% of Telekom Austria´s shares. An increase of up to 50% is possible.
June 21, 2012

Uncertain Future for ÖIAG

After CEO Markus Beyrer announced to resign, a new debate about the future of the publicly held Austrian industrial holding emerged.
June 19, 2012

Mitterlehner Suggests Dissolving ÖIAG

The Austrian Minister of Economics Reinhold Mitterlehner intends to privatizie the remaining stake in Telekom Austria. This could mean the end of the Austrian industrial holding.
June 16, 2012

Slim Officially Holds 9.89% in Telekom Austria

Carlos Slim, who will buy Pecik´s shareholding in Telekom Austria, already exceeded the 5.0% threshold substantially. Slim will become Telekom´s second largest shareholder.
June 16, 2012

Slim Becomes Major Shareholder at Telekom Austria

The Austrian investor Ronny Pecik sells his shares to the Mexican Carlos Slim. The main shareholder ÖIAG welcomes this step.
June 15, 2012

Slim to Enter Telekom Austria

The world´s richest man, the Mexican investor Carlos Slim is said to own a 4.0% stake in Telekom Austria and to buy Pecik´s stake for € 9.5 per share.
June 5, 2012

Attacks Against ÖIAG, Appeal on Government

The Austrian Chamber of Labor (AK) says that Telekom Austria´s main shareholder ÖIAG has failed. The works council fears a slow, but steady privatization.
May 26, 2012

Sawiris Threatens ÖIAG with Slim

The new shareholder at Telekom Austria Naguib Sawiris announced to sell his stake to the Mexican investor Carlos Slim if the industrial holding ÖIAG does not act cooperatively.
May 24, 2012

Slim to Enter Telekom Austria?

The Mexican investor Carlos Slim, who is currently the world´s richest man, is said to acquire stakes in Telekom Austria.
May 18, 2012