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Sawiris Threatens ÖIAG with Slim
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Published: May 24, 2012; 20:08 ♦ (Vindobona)

The new shareholder at Telekom Austria Naguib Sawiris announced to sell his stake to the Mexican investor Carlos Slim if the industrial holding ÖIAG does not act cooperatively.

Just one day after the annual general meeting at Telekom Austria, the Egyptian investor Naguib Sawiris threatens the publicly held ÖIAG. ÖIAG has a stake of 28.4% in Telekom Austria. Together with his Austrian partner Ronny Pecik, Sawiris has a 21.5% stake. Like Slim, Sawiris is a billionaire. In Egypt, Sawiris owns the telecommunication service provider Orascom. Several years ago,…
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