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Green Party: “Telekom Austria was the Cash Cow“
Politics ♦
Published: May 23, 2012; 19:00 ♦ (Vindobona)
Gabriela Moser (Green Party) calls the Austrian government to implement a telecommunication strategy. Under the ÖVP-FPÖ government, Telekom Austria was abused as “cash cow”, Moser says.
Green Party: “Telekom Austria was the Cash Cow“ / Picture: © Telekom Austria Group / Future Talk
According to the deputy of the National Council Gabriela Moser (Green Party), Telekom Austria was abused as “cash cow” under the ÖVP –led government after 2000. Within four years, Telekom´s equity capital declined to € 900m from € 2.7bn. Dividends were higher than Telekom´s net income for years.
Furthermore, Moser criticizes that there is no strategy for Telekom…
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