
Dispute About Tender for Orient Express

The Orient Express once led through Romania. These days, this section is cause for legal disputes in connection with the tender in the amount of € 330m.

June 13, 2013

Alpine’s Fate Hanging By A Thread

The fate of Austrian construction company Alpine is hanging by a thread. If negotiations fail Alpine has to face its ruin.

June 13, 2013

ALPINE Holding GmbH / Interest payments for ALPINE corporate bond AT0000A0PJJ0 were paid as planned

ALPINE Holding GmbH / Interest payments for ALPINE corporate bond AT0000A0PJJ0 were paid as planned

June 10, 2013

Austria: Alpine to Require More Funding

Selling of affiliates will be postponed.

June 7, 2013

ALPINE Holding GmbH / Updated business plans / Negotiations with financing partners and shareholder

ALPINE Holding GmbH / Updated business plans / Negotiations with financing partners and shareholder

June 6, 2013

Czech Republic: Dumping Offers for Building of Highway

Major construction companies screw down prices for the building of a highway segment from Linz to Prague.

June 3, 2013

ALPINE Holding GmbH / Annual financial statement 2012 will be published in June

ALPINE Holding GmbH / Annual financial statement 2012 will be published in June

May 31, 2013

FCC Wants Guggenheim Partners As Financial Ally

With debts having amounted to more than € 8bn, Spanish parent company of Alpine is now looking for potential financial partners.

May 24, 2013

ALPINE Holding GmbH / Interest payments for ALPINE corporate bond AT0000A0V834 were paid as planned

ALPINE Holding GmbH / Interest payments for ALPINE corporate bond AT0000A0V834 were paid as planned

May 22, 2013

Alpine Denies Bankruptcy Rumors

The Austrian construction company is to sell its affiliates. However, the expected sale earnings are disproportionate, according to experts. Spanish parent company FCC is said of not being able to raise any further aid money.

May 17, 2013

Alpine: Dispute in Poland About to Escalate

A dispute about the construction of a bridge has intensified. The construction company Alpine has withdrawn from the contract for the building of a highway segment in Poland.

May 15, 2013

FCC in the Reds Again

High Losses in first quarter for Alpine’s parent company FCC.

May 7, 2013

Vienna: Infrastructure & Construction Summit Brings Together All Balkan Countries

Government ministers from Austria and various Balkan countries will be discussing infrastructure and construction in the region at a two-day summit in Vienna at the end of May.

April 30, 2013 · Sponsored Content

Alpine and Porr to Be Compensated by Serbia

The Austrian construction companies Alpine and Porr claim € 71m from Serbia before the court of arbitration due to a flopped major project for the building of a highway.

April 26, 2013

CEO of Alpine: „Hubris Led to Losses“

Schiefer, new CEO of Alpine, explained in an interview why Alpine made losses in 2012.

April 25, 2013

ALPINE Holding GmbH / costly financial year 2012

ALPINE Holding GmbH / costly financial year 2012

April 24, 2013

Major Project for Alpine In Berlin

Alpine to build 345 appartments in Berlin. Building permission of € 56m project was announced yesterday.

April 12, 2013

ALPINE Holding GmbH / Effectiveness of Restructuring Agreement / Publication of Annual Financial Statements

ALPINE Holding GmbH / Effectiveness of Restructuring Agreement / Publication of Annual Financial Statements

March 27, 2013

Austria: Alpine’s Future Sealed

The restructuring contract has been signed by banks and insurance companies. Shareholders are not affected by a haircut.

March 26, 2013

FCC to Cut Down On Manpower

Alpine’s parent company, Spanish construction enterprise FCC is going to cut back on 1,000 jobs. Furthermore, company shares that are not part of the core business in the amount of € 2.2bn are supposed to be sold.

March 20, 2013

Austria: New CEO for Alpine

The construction company was saved from bankrupcy and is now looking for a new CEO

March 5, 2013

Austria: Alpine Turns Out a Big Burden For FCC

The construction company has avoided bankrupcy and is save – for the time being.

March 5, 2013

Austrian Construction Group Alpine Rescued

For the time being, Alpine´s bankruptcy could be prevented. The creditors agreed on a partial waiver.

March 4, 2013

ALPINE Holding GmbH / Consensus between Republic of Austria, banks and ALPINE has been achieved

ALPINE Holding GmbH / Consensus between Republic of Austria, banks and ALPINE has been achieved

March 3, 2013

Alpine: Austrian Ministry of Finance Rejects Waiver

Although the banks reached an agreement, the restructuring of the Austrian construction group may collapse.

March 1, 2013

Alpine: Future Still Highly Uncertain

Today, Alpine´s creditors decide whether the financially stricken construction company will be restructured.

February 28, 2013

Alpine: Major Contract in Czech Republic

Alpine to rehabilitate the Czech D1 Motorway. Final award of contract to the Alpine/OHL ZS consortium upon expiration of statutory period for filing objections.

February 26, 2013

Austria: Final Talks about the Future of Alpine

Everything revolves around the debt cut and the Future of Construction Company.

February 25, 2013

Alpine: Creditors Face Haircut

The financially stricken Austrian construction company wants its creditors to contribute to the restructuring.

February 2, 2013

Alpine: New Management Under Pressure

The Austrian construction company fights for survival. At the beginning of January, the management has to present a restructuring package.

December 29, 2012

Alpine to Cut a Third of its Workforce

The Austrian financially stricken construction company has to implement radical restructuring measures.

December 21, 2012

ALPINE Holding GmbH / Standstill agreement with financing banks effectively concluded

ALPINE Holding GmbH / Standstill agreement with financing banks effectively concluded

November 13, 2012

Alpine: Funding is Secured

The financially stricken construction company has reached an agreement with its creditors.

November 10, 2012

FCC Considers Downsizing Alpine

The financially stricken Austrian construction company may sell several business units. A sale of Alpine seems unlikely.

October 20, 2012

Alpine Confirms „Substantial Losses“

The Austrian construction company is in severe difficulties. The management demonstrates optimism.

October 15, 2012

ALPINE Holding GmbH / Ad-hoc Announcement - Clarification in light of market reaction following news reports regarding ALPINE Bau GmbH

ALPINE Holding GmbH / Ad-hoc Announcement - Clarification in light of market reaction following news reports regarding ALPINE Bau GmbH

October 14, 2012

Alpine Needs Help from Banks

The Austrian construction company faces liquidity constraints. Talks with banks were started already.

October 11, 2012

Alpine Completes First Singapore Subway Tunnel

The Austrian construction company is building six subway tunnels and three subway stations for the Singapore Downtown Line.

September 10, 2012

Alpine Cuts Losses Substantially

New ALPINE 2015 program for margin optimization is showing initial results. Increase in EBIT, EBT and revenue from construction services. The losses in Southeastern Europe should be compensated by the focus on Alpine´s core markets.

August 2, 2012

New Supervisory Board at Alpine

Baldomero Falcones assumes the function of Chairman of the Supervisory Board at the Austrian construction company Alpine.

July 13, 2012

Poland: Alpine Excluded from Tendering Procedure

After a dispute with Polish authorities, the Austrian construction company Alpine has been excluded from the tendering procedure of the national highway S8.

July 10, 2012

Alpine Strengthens Domestic Market Austria

The second-biggest Austrian construction group changes ist management for the biggest market. The new corporate strategy should be implemented now.

July 6, 2012

Alpine Establishes Joint Venture with German RGM

Alpine establishes the AFM - Austrian Facility Management joint venture with Germany's RGM.

June 23, 2012

Third Major Contract in Romania for Alpine

The Romanian railway line between Vintu des Jos and Simeria to be rehabilitated for € 295m by the Austrian construction company.

June 21, 2012

Alpine: „Not Affected by Spanish Crisis“

The Austrian construction company, which is wholly-owned by Spanish FCC, does not worry about the tensioned situation in Spain.

June 13, 2012

Alpine: Major Contract in Norway

The Austrian construction company gained another contract in Norway. The contract value amounts to € 170m.

May 31, 2012

Alpine Lands Another Railway Project in Romania

Alpine, the Austrian construction company, landed another major contract for a railroad project in Romania. The project volume is € 218m.

May 25, 2012

Croatian Subsidiary of Alpine Said to be Insolvent

Osijek Koteks, the Croatian subsidiary of the Austrian construction group faces severe problems. According to rumors, Osijek Kotekts is illiquid.

May 8, 2012

Alpine Launches New Corporate Strategy

The Austrian construction company underlines its commitment to the energy sector. Profitability should be enhanced, CEO Dotter emphasized.

May 7, 2012

Lower Net Income at Alpine

The Austrian construction company achieved profits of € 10m last year after € 17m in 2010. Revenues went up moderately.

April 30, 2012
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