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Newsletter: Vienna International News
Edtstadler: "Raise Your Voice for the Future of Europe"

In preparation for the first ever Conference on the Future of Europe, the European Commission has launched a digital platform, on which European citizens can share their ideas on the future of Europe, organize events, participate in events, and network with other individuals and organizations. Austria will contribute by hosting a number of events and additionally provide information on a separate platform.

Van der Bellen Addresses U.S. President Biden with Climate Concern

On the occasion of International Earth Day, Austria's Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen appeals to the international community and wishes U.S. President Joe Biden's climate summit a complete success. Van der Bellen demands a quick and significant reduction of emissions in order to not miss "the window of opportunity for effective countermeasures."

Activities of Arab Countries in Vienna to Strengthen Mutual Cooperation

The Austro-Arab Chamber of Commerce (AACC) under Secretary General Eng. Mouddar Khouja reports on various activities and means to strengthen mutual cooperation between Austria and the Arab countries UAE United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Qatar.

International Startup Event "ViennaUP21" Starts April 27
The startup event "ViennaUP21" will take place from April 27 to May 12 in a purely digital format. Within the umbrella of ViennaUP21, 40 program partners will be hosting 100 events for interested people, institutions and organization from more than 45 countries. Registration is free.

OSCE Counter-Terrorism Conference: Schallenberg Demands Fight Against Different Virus

At the virtual OSCE Counter-Terrorism Conference, Austria's Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg demands to fight against "the virus of hatred, intolerance and contempt for humanity." He wants to remove breeding ground for radicalization and fight counter terrorism with all means of the rule of law.

Schallenberg Offers Austrian Expertise for Conflicts Around Nile

At the virtual Council of the EU Foreign Ministers, Austria's Alexander Schallenberg and his colleagues discussed the current situations in Belarus and Ukraine as well as the conflicts in Myanmar and Ethiopia. With regard to the ongoing tensions in Tigray around the Nile, Schallenberg offered Austria's expertise with regard to joint management of rivers.

Viennese Theater Productions Premiere in Japan