Newsletter: Vienna International News

Arnold Schwarzenegger and the "Climate Kirtag"

After the Austrian World Summit and the Climate Kirtag had to be postponed in spring due to the Corona pandemic, they are now entering the second round. No tickets are available this year. You need to register online to join the events virtually for free.

Meeting Between Janša and Kurz

Slovenia's Prime Minister Janša and President Pahor welcomed Chancellor Kurz for a working visit. All three politicians highlighted the important bilateral economic and political relations.

UN Office for Outer Space Affairs: The Space4Youth Competition Winners Are...

Around 400 young people from 70 countries participated in the second Space4Youth Competition, whose winners have now been announced by UNOOSA and the Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC).

Sorgenzeit-Warum Ängste in Ihrem Terminkalender Platz finden müssen

Schlechte Laune wird in unserer Gesellschaft mit schlechtem Benehmen gleichgesetzt- und das ist gut so. Positives Denken wird als Allheilmittel angepriesen. Ob Ratgeber-Literatur, Seminare oder selbsternannte Youtube-Gurus, die Botschaft ist oft nur eine: setz die rosa Brille auf und lern brav deine positiven Glaubenssätze, dann wird alles gut und alle deine Wünsche gehen in Erfüllung.

Worry Time - Why Fears Need to Be on Your Schedule

In our society, bad mood is equated with bad behavior - and that's a good thing. Positive thinking is considered as a panacea. Whether advice literature, seminars or self-appointed YouTube gurus, the message is often only one: put on your rose-coloured spectacles and learn your positive beliefs, then everything will be fine and all your wishes will come true.

Vienna Philharmonic Summer Night Concert with Ticket Raffle

The Vienna Philharmonic Summer Night Concert at 6 PM on September 18, 2020 will only satisfy 1,250 guests due to strict Covid-19 regulations. Nevertheless, a ticket raffle will allow lucky members of the public to experience the concert.

Foreign Trade Has Partially Recovered from Crisis

According to the latest report from Statistics Austria, imports and exports are only slightly behind last year's number indicating an upwards trend after Covid-19 has impacted foreign trade significantly.