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Newsletter: Decisive Week in the Parliaments of Vienna and Brussels
Austrian Foreign Ministry - Diplomatic Excursion 2019 to Lake Neusiedl

Foreign diplomats and heads of international organisations in Austria were invited by the BMEIA Federal Ministry for Europe Integration and Foreign Affairs to the annual summer excursion to Burgenland (Diplomatenausflug 2019).

Don't Smoke - Austria to Finally Ban Smoking in Bars and Restaurants

Over 1 year after the smoking ban in gastronomy should have come into force, the parliament has once again voted in favour and is to come into force on 1 November 2019. The ban will also apply to shishas and e-cigarettes, with the exception of guest gardens. Through the smoking ban alone, there should be 1,000 fewer deaths per year from passive smoking.

Austria Looks Forward to Collaboration with New EU Parliament President Sassoli

Congratulations come from the Austrian Parliament. National Council President Sobotka and Second National Council President Bures congratulate David Sassoli on his election and look forward to working with the European Parliament.

European Parliament - Karas to Be Vice President Again

Othmar Karas, member of the EU and Austrian People's Party (ÖVP), has been re-elected as one of 14 vice-presidents of the European Parliament. Together with him further vice-presidents were confirmed.

Austrians Abroad: National Council Election at the End of September 2019

On 29 September 2019, the Austrian National Council is expected to be elected. Austrians living abroad have the opportunity to take part in the election by postal vote. This is possible if you do not have your main residence in Austria and if you have reached the age of 16 by election day at the latest and have registered in the electoral register of an Austrian municipality by 9 July 2019 at the latest.

Schallenberg Represents Austria in the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva

Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg travelled to Geneva on the occasion of the current meeting of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC). Last year Austria was elected to the UN Human Rights Council for the period 2019 to 2021.

Italian President Sergio Mattarella in Austria

Italy's President Sergio Mattarella was on a two-day state visit to Austria. The main topics discussed were Sea Watch 3, South Tyrol and the situation of the European Union after the elections.

European Parliament - How are the MEPs in Key Functions Elected?

At the first plenary session after the European elections, Parliament elects a new President, 14 new Vice-Presidents and five Quaestors. The ninth European Parliament was elected in 2019 elections and is to last until the 2024 elections.

Paternity Leave Entitlement Decided by Parliament

Members of the Austrian National Council passed a resolution on the legal entitlement to Paternity Leave (Papamonat). Fathers now have the right to be granted time off. Changes have also been made to child benefit legislation.

Total Ban on Glyphosate in Austria Adopted

Austria is the first country in the European Union to ban the use of the controversial weedkiller glyphosate. The ban is legally controversial and could contradict EU law.

How North Macedonia Learns from Austria - Best Practices on the Topic of Equal Treatment

During a visit of the delegations of the Macedonian Ministry of the Interior and the OSCE Mission Skopje to the Federal Ministry of the Interior in Vienna, representatives of all sides exchanged views on the subject of equal treatment.

Austria Adopts Cultural Agreement with Ukraine

The Austrian National Council has decided on a cultural agreement with Ukraine, which is intended to strengthen cultural cooperation.

Beach Volleyball - Vienna Major 2019 on the Danube Island

This summer Vienna will once again become the centre of the international beach volleyball scene. At the second Vienna Major, the world's best beach volleyball players will play exciting games on the Danube Island from 31 July to 4 August.

Billionaire Heidi Horten to Become Museum Founder