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Newsletter: Austria and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
US Embassy Opening in Jerusalem: Palestinian Ambassador to Austria Called Back to Palestine in Protest

The Austrian Ambassador to Israel, Martin Weiss, was one of only four EU Ambassadors (Hungary, Czech Republic, Romania) who participated in the celebrations surrounding the US embassy relocation to Jerusalem. The Palestinian leadership pointed out some time ago that not only the act but also the timing is a violation of international law and relevant UN resolutions, as well as arrogant disrespect. Therefore, the Palestinian Ambassador to Austria, Salah Abdel Shafi, has been called back to Palestine for an indefinite period of time.

Austrian Exports to the Palestinian Territories Better than Ever

Despite the current tensions between the State of Palestine and Austria over the participation of Ambassador Martin Weiss in the US Embassy Opening Ceremonies, the Austrian Foreign Trade Centers Amman and Tel Aviv are planning a Fact Finding Mission to Ramallah and Amman for the second half of 2018. Austrian exports of goods to the Palestinian Territories increased by +108% in 2017.

Soros Foundations Relocate from Budapest to Berlin

The first Open Society Foundations, founded in Hungary in 1984 by George Soros, also of Hungarian origin, with a founding budget of US$3 million, is now actually withdrawing to Berlin.

Meet the Ambassador of the State of Palestine to Austria: H.E. Mr. Salah Abdel-Shafi
H.E. Mr. Salah Abdel-Shafi is the current Palestinian ambassador to Austria and permanent observer to the UN in Vienna.

US Termination of the Iran Agreement: Major Effects on Austrian Exports Expected

The Austrian Federal Economic Chamber fears that the Trump decision will have a massive negative impact on the Iran business of Austrian companies. It will probably be extraordinarily difficult in the future to establish the necessary payment channels for legitimate transactions.

Austria Ranks Second Among All EU Countries in Investments Growth

Between 2007 and 2017, the ratio of investment to GDP decreased in 24 out of the 28 EU Member States. Apart from Austria, only Sweden and Germany have increased their investment to GDP ratio since 2007.

Vienna Energy Forum 2018: Sustainable Energy Provision as a Key to Tackling Poverty

The sixth Vienna Energy Forum 2018 was held from 14 to 16 May, 2018, at the Vienna International Centre (VIC) and the Hofburg Imperial Palace. It was attended by over 1,800 participants from 130 countries, including prime ministers, ministers, high-level government officials, permanent mission representatives, chairs of the regional groups, donors, as well as representatives of the EU, the private sector and development finance institutions.

Austria, the OSCE and the Asia Pacific - Effective Multilateralism in a Globalized World

The Austrian Foreign Ministry in the framework of its Chairmanship of the OSCE Asian Contact Group (Afghanistan, Australia, Korea, Japan and Thailand), is organizing a conference on “Effective Multilateralism in a globalized world - The case of Europe and Asia Pacific” at Palais Niederösterreich, Vienna. The conference will focus on multilateral security mechanisms in Europe and the Asia Pacific region, as well as on economic connectivity and co-operation.

Austrian Airlines Flies Once Again to Tokyo

As of today, Lufthansa subsidiary Austrian Airlines will again be flying directly to the Japanese capital. Due to changed economic fundamentals, the route, which was closed in autumn 2016, appears to be profitable again.

Car Dealer Denzel Increases Group Turnover by Twelve Percent