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Vienna Energy Forum 2018: Sustainable Energy Provision as a Key to Tackling Poverty
The sixth Vienna Energy Forum 2018 was held from 14 to 16 May, 2018, at the Vienna International Centre (VIC) and the Hofburg Imperial Palace. It was attended by over 1,800 participants from 130 countries, including prime ministers, ministers, high-level government officials, permanent mission representatives, chairs of the regional groups, donors, as well as representatives of the EU, the private sector and development finance institutions.
(f.l.t.r.): Liu Zhenmin, Under-Secretary-General, UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs; Karin Kneissl; UNIDO's LI Yong; Marie Chatardová, President, UN Economic and Social Council and Abdelrahman Ayman Ibrahim Mohamed, Global President, AIESEC. / Picture: © UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization
The Vienna Energy Forum is a biennial, global and multi-stakeholder forum with a mandate of exploring 21st century developmental challenges from the perspective of sustainable energy and providing a platform for debate on practical solutions to these challenges.
The Vienna Energy Forum was born in 2008 of a joint initiative by the Austrian Government, the IIASA and the…
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