Israeli Ambassador Presents First "Israel Friendship Award" in Vienna

More+Events ♦ Published: June 27, 2022; 11:49 ♦ (Vindobona)

The newly created "Israel Friendship Award" was presented for the first time last week in Vienna to individuals and institutions that promote excellent relations between Israel and Austria. The winners were the Austria-Israel Academic Network Innsbruck and the Austrian former football coach of the Israeli national team, Andreas Herzog. From now on, the award will be presented annually by the Israeli ambassador.

The Israel Friendship Award was presented for the first time this year. / Picture: © Israeli and Austrian crossed flags by Vindobona

This year, the "Israel Friendship Award" was presented in Vienna for the first time. This newly created prize is to be awarded annually by the Israeli Embassy in Vienna to individuals and institutions that contribute to the excellent relations between Israel and Austria.

Israel's Ambassador Mordechai Rodgold came up with the idea after relations between the two countries had…