Commemoration of the Beginning of the Second World War 80 Years Ago

More+Events ♦ Published: September 3, 2019; 18:24 ♦ (Vindobona)

The greatest military conflict in human history was the Second World War from 1939 to 1945, which began with the German invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939, involved directly or indirectly over 60 states and claimed the lives of over 60 million people. Both at home and abroad, the official Austria commemorated this terrible war.

The outbreak of the Second World War 80 years ago was celebrated in Warsaw with an act of state and commemoration in the presence of high-ranking representatives from more than 30 countries. / Picture: © Parlamentsdirektion / Johannes Zinner

Statement by Federal President Van der Bellen

Our common Europe is a counterpoint to dictatorship, aggressive nationalism and war.

"In remembrance of the terrible catastrophe of the Second World War, in remembrance of the persecuted and the expellees, in remembrance of the many civilians and soldiers killed, in remembrance especially of those who…