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Ambassadors Traina and Turner at Austrian Media Days
US Ambassador Traina and British Ambassador Turner took part in a discussion about the world after corona at the Austrian News Days. Both recognized the rise of social media and its significant role in today's world.
US Ambassador Trevor Traina took part in a discussion at the Austrian Media Days. / Picture: © U.S. Embassy Vienna / Flickr Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)
In the first panel of the Austrian Media Days, Leigh Turner, British Embassy Austria, and Trevor Traina, US Ambassador Austria took part in a discussion with Ralf Beste, German Embassy Vienna, Peter Hanke, Executive City Councillor for Finance, Economy, Digitalization and International Affairs, and Martin Selmayr, EU Commission Austria.
They discussed what a world after Covid-19 could look like, and Karoline Edtstadler, …
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