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Wolfgang Eder

Voestalpine in the Midst of an Accounting Scandal and Weak Quarterly Results

Voestalpine AG, one of Europe's leading steel and technology groups, is currently facing a double crisis. In addition to a massive drop in profits in the first quarter of the business year 2024/25, the company is struggling with the consequences of an accounting scandal that spanned more than a decade and only became public in June 2024.
September 18, 2024

Voestalpine Plans Further Acquisitions

In an interview with the Financial Times, Voestalpine CEO Wolfgang Eder confirms his ambition to grow through acquisitions and to double its revenue by acquiring suitable targets in the special steel division in China and North America.
June 16, 2014

voestalpine to Invest Further in China

Listed Austrian steel producer voestalpine opened another business location in China.
May 14, 2014

Do Taxes Justify a Relocation of Business?

Tax sensitive business operations should be relocated to other areas if necessary, according to the head of Erste Bank Austria.
April 24, 2014

Eder: Policy-Makers Have to Make Decisions

Wolfgang Eder, CEO of Austrian steel manufacturer voestalpine, claims not to have heard anything from the Austrian policy makers after he raised criticizm with regard to the Austrian business location.
April 24, 2014

Austria: Calls for Reduction of Bureaucracy Become Louder

Bureaucratic hurdles burden the Austrian enterprises the most apart from taxes and other levies.
April 23, 2014

Austria: Industrial Output Shrinks

In October the industrial production in Austria declined.
December 23, 2013

Austrian Business Location in Danger?

The Federation of Austrian Industries (IV) has carried out a survey on the Austrian business location. Most interviewees are pessimistic.
December 14, 2013

Voestalpine to Construct New Plants in China

The Austrian steel manufacturer will invest € 450m in new facilities and plans to triple revenues until 2020.
October 28, 2013

German Rail Manufacturing Plant of Voestalpine to be Closed

At the end of October voestalpine will shut down its rail manufacturing plant TSTG Schienen Technik GmbH & Co KG in Duisburg, Germany.
October 21, 2013

Austria: Voestalpine Expects Same Results as 2012

CEO Wolfgang Eder expects the same level in profits as last year.
October 17, 2013

Voestalpine Expects Turnaround

The European demand in steel is increasing. Austrian steel manufacturer voestalpine expects the worst of the crisis for the steel industry to be over.
October 7, 2013

Does Austria Need Further Privatizations?

Voestalpine´s CEO Wolfgang Eder wants to support the Vienna Stock Exchange. Without further privatizations, the stock market in Vienna could be history soon.
September 24, 2013 · Updated: September 25, 2013; 11:30

Voestalpine: Cartel Proceedings Finally Settled

voestalpine AG response to the German Cartel Office's rail cartel announcement issued yesterday.
July 24, 2013

Eder Appeals for Reindustrialization in Europe

In an interview with Austrian daily „Kurier“, Wolfgang Eder, CEO of Austrian steel producer voestalpine talks about the future of the European steel industry and the differences to the US energy policy.
June 20, 2013

EU Commission to Support Steel Industry

EU Commissioner for Industry Antonio Tajani has presented the annouced steel action plan.
June 12, 2013

Siemens VAI to Modernize Ukrainian Steel Plant

The signing of a major contract in Ukraine for Upper-Austrian industrial plant construction company Siemens VAI is in its final steps.
June 10, 2013

Voestalpine Intends to Boost Business in Germany

The Upper-Austrian steel manufacturer voestalpine wants to significantly increase its business in Germany.
May 23, 2013

EU Commission: Action Plan for Steel Industry in Europe

During his visit to Linz, EU Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship Antonio Tajani announced measures for the steel industry in Europe.
May 7, 2013

Eder: Future of Voestalpine and Steel Manufacturing Industry

In an interview CEO of voestalpine, Wolfgang Eder explains the current situation on the steel market and points out that mass products will come from CESEE countries in the future.
April 4, 2013

Voestalpine to Announce Decision on Expansion Into North America

The Austrian steel group plans a major investment in North America. According to voestalpine´s CEO Wolfgang Eder, the decision will be announced in February.
February 9, 2013

Voestalpine: CEO Eder Cautiously Optimistic

CEO Wolfgang Eder anticipates an economic recovery in the second half of 2013. Despite the difficult framework conditions, voestalpine´s management retains the earnings forecast.
February 7, 2013

Eder Reaffirms: „European Industrial Sector Is in Danger“

In an interview with the Austrian news magazine “Presse”, voestalpine´s CEO Wolfgang Eder criticizes the European industrial policy sharply.
January 21, 2013

Voestalpine Leaves Europe Step by Step

The Austrian steel company wants to reduce the dependence on Europe. Growth will take place elsewhere, CEO Wolfgang Eder says.
December 20, 2012

Voestalpine: „Growing by 50% Until 2020“

The Austrian steel group presents its strategy for the next years. The importance of conventional steel and Europe will decrease.
December 18, 2012

Voestalpine: Major Investments in U.S.

The Austrian steel company wants to build a steel plant for $ 1.0bn in the U.S.
December 17, 2012 · Updated: December 17, 2012; 14:53

Voestalpine Expects Stable Development

Regarding the next quarters, CEO Wolfgang Eder is slightly optimistic. Steel demand will remain stable, he says.
December 6, 2012

Steel Industry: „Up to 100,000 Jobs Endangered“

Wolfgang Eder, CEO of the Austrian steel company voestalpine, warns of the persistently high oversupply in the European steel industry.
November 17, 2012

Voestalpine: Savings Higher than Planned

The Austrian steel group could reduce its costs more effectively than initially planned. From 2010 to 2013, total savings reach € 650m.
November 7, 2012

Voestalpine Confirms Guidance

The Austrian steel company expects stable operating profits. Demand is declining substantially, CEO Eder comments.
October 18, 2012

Voestalpine: Eder Does Not Exclude to Leave Austria

Wolfgang Eder, CEO of the Austrian steel company voestalpine, underlines to stay in Austria “as long as possible”.
October 15, 2012

Voestalpine: No Investments in Europe

Wolfgang Eder, CEO of the Austrian steel company expects that Europe faces a longer phase of stagnation. The steel industry will not recover before mid-2013.
October 12, 2012

Eder Calls for Cut in Steel Production

The CEO of the Austrian steel producer voestalpine asks the European Union to introduce a controlled reduction of the steel production. The overcapacities would cause lower prices, Eder argues.
September 17, 2012

Eder: „We are Cautious“

Wolfgang Eder, CEO of the Austrian steel company voestalpine, thinks that the market conditions will remain difficult.
August 27, 2012

Voestalpine Underlines Expansion Into Asia and America

For voestalpine´s CEO Wolfgang Eder, Europe is a stagnating market. By contrast, growth is expected to take place in the U.S.
August 25, 2012

Dividend at voestalpine Unchanged

CEO Wolfgang Eder: “voestalpine focuses on continuity even in terms of dividends”. Heinrich Schaller succeeds Ludwig Scharinger on the Supervisory Board.
July 5, 2012

Voestalpine to Put Effort into Growth

The Austrian steel producer intends to grow through acquisitions again in the medium term. Exports to Brazil and Asian countries should be promoted.
July 4, 2012

„Up to 70% of European Steel Capacities are Endangered“

Wolfgang Eder, CEO of Austrian voestalpine, thinks that the European steel industry faces fierce competition from the East.
July 3, 2012

Voestalpine Shuts Down Steelworks in Duisburg

The Austrian steel producer plans to close the mill in 2013. At the moment, voestalpine has talks with trade unions and the workforce.
June 9, 2012

„India and China are not the Problems“

Voestalpine´s CEO Wolfgang Eder thinks that competitors from Turkey, Russia and Ukraine may become problematic for the European steel industry.
June 5, 2012

Voestalpine: Lower Net Income Expected

As the steel price is expected to rise, voestalpine´s steel division has favorable prospects. The profit level of 2010/11 will not be reached.
May 14, 2012

Eder: „Not Making Mistakes of UK and USA“

The CEO of Austria´s largest steel producer voestalpine warns of a de-industrialization in Europe. Today, the UK and the USA would regret their decisions of the past.
May 14, 2012

Voestalpine Indicates Significant Increase in Revenues

The Austrian steel company recorded about € 12.0bn in revenues last financial year. 25% of the revenues are based on exports apart from Europe.
April 12, 2012

Voestalpine Increases R&D Expenditure

voestalpine said it is increasing R&D expenditure to a record level of € 132m for the 2012-13 business year just begun.
April 11, 2012

Eder Ticks Off Rail Cartel

Voestalpine´s CEO Wolfgang Eder underlines the new compliance rules of voestalpine. Another participation in a cartel would be “impossible”.
April 7, 2012

„Steel Industry Needs Market Adjustment“

Wolfgang Eder, CEO of the Austrian steel company voestalpine, sees massive overcapacities in the European steel Industry. Eder reaffirmed his warning to leave Austria.
April 4, 2012

Voestalpine Forecasts Improved Business Conditions

Austrian steel group voestalpine expects results to improve from April 2012 as it benefits from price hikes and solid demand, Reuters reported.
March 27, 2012

Eder: „Environmental Policy Endangers Economy“

Voestalpine´s CEO criticizes environmental specifications made by EU and domestic politics. Eder sees the danger of a de-industrialization.
March 5, 2012

Voestalpine Expands Operations in Automotive Segment

The Austrian steel company presents high-strength steel innovation for cars. CEO Eder expects to double sales in the automotive division.
March 2, 2012

Voestalpine to Build Two Track Switch Plants in Brazil

Voestalpine AG, Austria’s biggest steelmaker, plans to build two plants for rail-track switches in Brazil this year.
February 22, 2012