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Corporate Banking: Bank Austria still dominant

Corporate banking is an important pillar of business for Bank Austria, generating € 899 m or one fourth of the total operating result. The market share is 89%.
April 9, 2011

Austrian SME as New Target for Bank Austria

In total, € 13.2bn of new loans could be granted at Bank Austria in Austria in 2010 (corresponding to an increase of 19.3 percent as compared to 2009)
March 29, 2011

“GemeindeMilliarde” Initiative of Bank Austria Extended

In view of strong demand from municipalities Bank Austria expands GemeindeMilliarde initiative by a further € 500 m
March 26, 2011

Bank Austria: Operating Performance Improved, Net Profits Decline

The Austrian subsidiary of UniCredit announces net consolidated profits of € 747m (-32%). Profits before taxes are down by 14%.
March 24, 2011

150 New Bank Austria Branches in Eastern Europe

The new board of the CEE Division of Bank Austria presented the group's expansion plans for Eastern Europe. By 2015, 900 branches are to be added.
February 9, 2011

CA Immo: „Bid of UniCredit too low“

UniCredit intends to increase its stake on the Austrian CA Immo up to 29%. The board regards the bid of € 12.35 per share as being “too low”.
January 30, 2011

ATX: UniCredit expects 11% Return in 2011

Austrian stock market outlook for Q1 2011: Vienna Stock Exchange creeps up again
January 29, 2011

New Heads of Credit Risk Management at Bank Austria

Heinz Tschiltsch new head of CEE Credit Operations, Harald Brückl responsible for Special Credit Austria department.
January 28, 2011

Change in Leadership at Bank Austria

Paolo Fiorentino, has been elected as Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Bank Austria. Francesco Giordano will act as future Chief Financial Officer.
January 22, 2011

Bank Austria: Bank of Moscow is No Longer an Issue

Bank Austria will not submit an offer for the Bank of Moscow, against all market speculations. Instead, it will open its own branches.
January 20, 2011

Bank Austria Bids for Bank of Moscow

The UniCredit subsidiary is reported as holding talks with the Bank of Moscow to acquire a 46.5% stake.
January 14, 2011

CEE Economic Growth Forecast: 3.8% in 2011

According to UniCredit, especially Turkey, Poland, Czech Republic and Estonia will bounce back impressively due to stronger industry and domestic demand.
January 13, 2011

Bank Austria CEO Cernko: Austrian Banks Fight Securities Tax

The CEO of Bank Austria, Willibald Cernko, was interviewed by the newspaper “Kurier”. He announced that Austrian Banks will call the Constitutional Court.
December 29, 2010

Higher Bank Tax for Bank Austria

The UniCredit-subsidiary Bank Austria will have to pay a bigger amount of the bank tax in 2011. The contribution in the following year decreases.
December 27, 2010

New Head for Bank Austria´s CEE Division

Gianni Franco Papa designated to head Bank Austria’s CEE operations. The experienced manager is responsible for the Group’s planned growth.
December 15, 2010

UniCredit: Expansion to the Czech Republic, Poland and Turkey

UniCredit’s subsidiary Bank Austria functions as an Eastern Europe Holding. 40% of the net income of the group comes from the region by now.
November 19, 2010

UniCredit CEO Ghizzoni: Counting on eastern growth

The eastern business should be expanded, says Ghizzoni, CEO of the parent company of Bank Austria.
November 10, 2010

Bank Austria: Results for the First Nine Months of 2010

Bank Austria experienced a significant drop in profits as well as operating results. However, the third quarter of 2010 showed an outstanding performance.
November 10, 2010

Corporate Bond of Novomatic: Surprisingly High Demand

Issuing volume has been doubled. The placement process has been closed very early, Novomatic-boss Wohlfahrt is content with the succesful bond issue.
October 22, 2010

Strabag renews € 2 billion syndicated surety loan

Strabag SE has concluded the renewal of a syndicated surety loan (SynLoan) with a consortium of 17 international banks led by Deutsche Bank and Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI).
October 13, 2010

UniCredit SpA has appointed Federico Ghizzoni as its new chief executive

Italy's biggest bank UniCredit SpA named central and eastern European head Federico Ghizzoni its chief executive as expected on Thursday and underscored its commitment to an international role.
October 1, 2010

UniCredit: Andrea Orcel is Possible Successor to Profumo

Andrea Orcel, chief executive of the Global Banking and Markets division of Bank of America Merrill Lynch is rumored to be the favorite in the race to succeed the retiring UniCredit CEO Alessandro Profumo.
September 24, 2010

Lenzing places EUR 120 million corporate bond with mainly private investors

Lenzing AG, a world market leader in man-made cellulose fibers, placed a seven-year corporate bond with a coupon rate of 3.875 %.
September 24, 2010

Madoff Fund Report: Enormous Fees Without Any Value Added

After 9.5 years, 50,000 euro would have been eaten up by the "Primeo Select Fund" because of the high fees, is the opinion of an investors’ lawyer about the monies invested by Bank Austria with Bernie Madoff.
September 22, 2010

CEE Banking Sector Report: Still More Credit Losses in the East

The number of bad loans is expected to increase considerably in some Eastern European countries, a Raiffeisen-analysis shows.
September 21, 2010

UniCredit's Profumo proposes 20-billion rescue fund

Head of Bank-Austria parent UniCredit, Alessandro Profumo, has announced his ambitions for a privately financed € 20 billion heavy rescue fund for troubled European banks.
July 12, 2010