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RBI Raiffeisen Bank International
Vienna Stock Exchange: Winners and Losers (2011-06-30)
Daily News-Flash from the Vienna Stock Exchange: Upgrades & Downgrades, Winners & Losers.
June 30, 2011
Successful Start for RBI’s Direct Bank Zuno in Slovakia
18,000 Slovak customers have deposited a total amount of € 125m in the first six months since the bank entered the market in December 2010.
June 30, 2011
RBI: Acquisition of Polbank Stake Advancing
The Austrian bank has received anti-trust approval of the deal. Closing and operational merger are expected in Q4/2011 or Q1/2012.
June 30, 2011
Vienna Stock Exchange: Winners and Losers (2011-06-28)
Daily News-Flash from the Vienna Stock Exchange: Upgrades & Downgrades, Winners & Losers.
June 28, 2011
Vienna Stock Exchange: Winners and Losers (2011-06-22)
Daily News-Flash from the Vienna Stock Exchange: Upgrades & Downgrades, Winners & Losers.
June 22, 2011
Raiffeisen Expanding Its M&A Business in Russia
The Austrian bank group is planning a joint venture between RBI and RIAG in order to put the investment banking in Moscow on a new footing.
June 16, 2011
RBI Could Raise More Than € 3bn
The Austrian bank prepares for issuing up to 97.75 million new shares. The company has not yet set a timetable for redemption of capital injected by the state.
June 8, 2011
Raiffeisen Not Interested in Hypo
The Austrian bank group is currently expanding in Poland but it is not going to bid for Hypo Alpe Adria as an acquisition “would not make sense”.
June 6, 2011
UniCredit and Raiffeisen Seek to Broker Bulgaria's EVN Stake Sale
Bulgaria is going to sell its minority stake in an electricity distributor operated by the Austrian energy company.
June 3, 2011
Sberbank Targeting RBI
The Russian bank intends to expand its business to Kazakhstan and the Baltic countries. Both companies denied speculations about a potential capital injection.
May 30, 2011
Austrian Companies Hit by Belarusian Crisis
RBI and Telekom Austria are evaluating the effects on their local subsidiaries. Exports to the country could drop by 30%.
May 27, 2011
RBI’s Results Above Expectations
The Austrian bank’s consolidated profit fell by 19.1% to € 270m, while analysts expected a decline to only € 253m. Net provisioning for impairment losses went down by 35.9%.
May 26, 2011
Fitch Upgrades Individual Ratings of Austrian Banks
The “A” rating of the big Austrian banks has been confirmed. The individual rating of Erste, RBI and Bank Austria was upgraded.
May 25, 2011
Expansion Plans at Erste Group and Raiffeisen
RBI is drawn increasingly to the Czech Republic, while the Erste Group focuses on the Polish banking market.
May 13, 2011
RBI Joint Bookrunner for € 1.75bn Bond
The bond, which is issued by Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena, is the second largest EUR-denominated senior unsecured issue by an Italian bank in 2011
May 10, 2011
Raiffeisen International Bank Intends to Get Further Involved in Poland
After the purchase of the Polbank in February, the Austrian RBI seems to be interested now in the Polish DZ Bank. Its chances are however considered to be low.
May 10, 2011
Vienna Stock Exchange: Winners and Losers (2011-05-04)
Daily News-Flash from the Vienna Stock Exchange: Upgrades & Downgrades, Winners & Losers.
May 4, 2011
Capital Requirement of Austria's Banks: € 19bn
According to the Austrian National Bank, domestic banks needed at least € 19bn in equity capital by 2010 to meet capital requirements.
April 21, 2011
Vienna Stock Exchange: Winners and Losers (2011-04-13)
Daily News-Flash from the Vienna Stock Exchange: Upgrades & Downgrades, Winners & Losers.
April 14, 2011
ÖVAG Participates in the Stress Test
Unlike last year, the Austrian Volksbanken group (ÖVAG) is to participate in the EU-wide stress testing of banks. 5% equity is assumed as lower limit.
April 9, 2011
Raiffeisen Bank International Posts Consolidated Profit of € 1.1bn in 2010
Consolidated profit rises 141.5 per cent year-on-year to € 1,087 m (pro forma 2009: € 450 m)
April 9, 2011
Vienna Stock Exchange: Winners and Losers (2011-04-05)
Daily News-Flash from the Vienna Stock Exchange: Upgrades & Downgrades, Winners & Losers.
April 6, 2011
Vienna Stock Exchange: Winners and Losers (2011-04-04)
Daily News-Flash from the Vienna Stock Exchange: Upgrades & Downgrades, Winners & Losers.
April 5, 2011
Upward Trend for Erste Group and Raiffeisen
The two Austrian players rise slightly in the ranking of the world's biggest banks. Erste Group is among the top 100.
March 12, 2011
Vienna Stock Exchange: Winners & Losers (2011-03-03)
Daily News-Flash from the Vienna Stock Exchange: Upgrades & Downgrades, Winners & Losers.
March 4, 2011
Stepic: Austria is Destroying its Business Location
The CEO of Raiffeisen International Bank (RBI), Herbert Stepic, considers the domestic business location to be in grave danger.
February 12, 2011
Vienna Stock Exchange: Winners and Losers (2011-02-08)
Daily News-Flash from the Vienna Stock Exchange: Upgrades & Downgrades, Winners & Losers.
February 9, 2011
Vienna Stock Exchange: Winners and Losers (2011-02-07)
Daily News-Flash from the Vienna Stock Exchange: Upgrades & Downgrades, Winners & Losers.
February 8, 2011
RBI Faces an Increase in Equity
The Austrian Raiffeisen Bank International will strengthen its equity, announces Attorney General Konrad.
February 8, 2011
Vienna Stock Exchange. Winners and Losers (2011-02-04)
Daily News-Flash from the Vienna Stock Exchange. Upgrades & Downgrades, Winners & Losers.
February 5, 2011
Raiffeisen Bank International Acquires 70% of Polbank
The Austrian RBI purchases Polbank for € 490m in cash. Polbank is seen as ideal complement to existing Raiffeisen Bank Polska .
February 4, 2011
Vienna Stock Exchange: Winners and Losers (2011-01-27)
Daily News-Flash from the Vienna Stock Exchange: Upgrades & Downgrades, Winners & Losers.
January 28, 2011
Austrian Companies on Roadshow to Tokyo
Erste Group, RBI, VIG and Immofinanz are participating at the roadshow in Japan.
January 28, 2011
Vienna Stock Exchange: Winners and Losers (2011-01-20)
Daily News-Flash from the Vienna Stock Exchange: Upgrades & Downgrades, Winners & Losers
January 21, 2011
CEE: Raiffeisen Remains Optimistic
The analysts of the Austrian Raiffeisen International Bank give Austria and the CEE good growth prospects. However, there still remain known risks.
January 12, 2011
Polbank: Imminent Decision
The decision for the sales process of Polbank will be announced in the next few days, according to the parent company EFG Eurobank.
January 10, 2011
Vienna Stock Exchange: Winners and Losers (2011-01-07)
Daily News-Flash from the Vienna Stock Exchange: Upgrades & Downgrades, Winners & Losers.
January 7, 2011
Analysts: Outstanding Forecasts For ATX
According to analysts, the Austrian Stock Index ATX will continue its strong upward trend in 2011. Double-digit growth rates are expected.
January 7, 2011
Bank Tax in Poland?
The Polish government is considering levying taxes on banks already in 2011. From the Austrian perspective, Raiffeisen Bank International would be affected.
January 5, 2011
Vienna Stock Exchange: Winners and Losers (2011-01-03)
Daily News-Flash from the Vienna Stock Exchange: Upgrades & Downgrades, Winners & Losers.
January 3, 2011
Higher Bank Tax for Bank Austria
The UniCredit-subsidiary Bank Austria will have to pay a bigger amount of the bank tax in 2011. The contribution in the following year decreases.
December 27, 2010
Raiffeisen Negotiates over Polbank
The Austrian Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI) negotiates actively for the Polish Polbank.
December 23, 2010
Vienna Stock Exchange: Winners and Losers (2010-12-23)
Daily News-Flash from the Vienna Stock Exchange: Upgrades & Downgrades, Winners & Losers.
December 23, 2010
Vienna Stock Exchange: Winners and Losers (2010-12-22)
Daily News-Flash from the Vienna Stock Exchange: Upgrades & Downgrades, Winners & Losers.
December 22, 2010
Urgent Need for Capital at Austrian Banks
Walter Rothensteiner, Chairman of RZB as well as the Credit Division of the Economic Chamber, considers that domestic banks are under massive capital pressure.
December 21, 2010
Vienna Stock Exchange: Winners and Losers (2010-12-14)
Daily News-Flash from then Vienna Stock Exchange: Upgrades & Downgrades, Winners & Losers.
December 14, 2010
Extensive Refinancing Needs by Austrian Banks
Due to the maturity of large loan volumes, Austria's banks will need at least € 20bn next year.
December 14, 2010
Vienna Stock Exchange: Winners and Losers (2010-12-10)
Daily News Flash from the Vienna Stock Exchange: Upgrades & Downgrades, Winners & Losers.
December 10, 2010
Vienna Stock Exchange: Winners and Losers (2010-12-07)
Daily News-Flash from the Vienna Stock Exchange: Upgrades & Downgrades, Winners & Losers.
December 7, 2010
Raiffeisen Bank International's direct bank Zuno launches in Slovakia
Zuno, which target Internet-focused customers, launches operations in Slovakia. Additional CEE countries will follow in 2011.
December 6, 2010