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Protests in Bulgaria Threaten to Escalate

Despite the resignation of Minister of Finance Simeon Djankov, the protests go on and may turn into riots. The opposition wants to hold new elections.
February 19, 2013

Czechs are Worried About their Future

Above all, Czechs fear a declining living standard after their retirement. The real income is expected to shrink in the next years.
February 2, 2013

Hungary: Poverty Grows Dramatically

More than 33% of Hungary´s citizens are at risk of poverty. Among the EU countries, Hungary ranks fifth.
January 16, 2013

Poverty: Romanian and Bulgarian Citizens Most Endangered

Regarding the poverty rate, Bulgaria, Romania, Spain, Greece and Lithuania are significantly above the EU average.
January 9, 2013

Vienna: Distribution of Wealth Highly Unequal

In Austria´s capital, 30% of the households own 92% of the net assets.
January 3, 2013

CESEE: Poverty Grows Considerably

In Europe, one in four citizens is affected by poverty, the Russian newspaper “Rossijskaja Gaseta” states.
December 18, 2012

Southeast Europe Agrees on Growth Strategy

In order to meet the 2020 growth strategy of the EU, the Balkan countries plan to co-operate more closely. Turkey and Bulgaria emphasize their good relations.
December 8, 2012

Measuring Poverty in the EU: third International EU-SILC Conference in Vienna

The third International Conference on EU Statistics about Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) will be opened in Vienna on Thursday, 6 December 2012.
December 5, 2012

Poverty: People in Romania and Bulgaria Most Affected.

In 2011, 24% of the population were at risk of poverty or social exclusion, which is corresponding to around 120 million persons. The Czech Republic ranks first.
December 3, 2012

Austria: Prosperity Gap Grows Further

The economic disparities between Austrians continue to increase. 855,000 Austrians are affected of poverty.
November 19, 2012

Austrian Foreign Ministry Wants “Better coordination for development cooperation”

"No single country can solve all the major problems of our time alone", Austrian State Secretary Reinhold Lopatka said at the "Development Dialogue" event in Parliament today.
October 12, 2012

Serbians Push Government for Reforms

The support for an EU membership has fallen below 50%. However, more Serbians call for economic and social reforms.
August 27, 2012

Serbia: Rise in Poverty Expected

The economic crisis in Serbia sharpens. Millions of households are not able to repay their debts.
August 25, 2012

Orban Underlines Success of Hungarian Crisis Management

Hungary´s Prime Minister Viktor Orban wants to lower the public debt quota further. Hungary´s recession would be due to the weak Eurozone, he says. Orban forgot to mention some details, however.
August 24, 2012

Rio+20: Austria Promotes Sustainable Energy Strategy

State Secretary Waldner: „Austria’s many contributions help securing the long-term energy supply for the poorest countries“.
June 21, 2012

Trade Unions Wants „Just Taxation“

The Austrian Trade Unions warn of a strict austerity policy and pushes for growth stimulating measures.
June 2, 2012

„Something Is Wrong in Austria“

According to the Austrian Chamber of Labor, Austrian workers have to bear the highest burden of the crisis. The contribution of great fortunes would be insufficient.
May 30, 2012

Pressure on Medium Income Earners Rising

The Austrian Chamber of Labor warns that the number of people who do not get by with their income anymore rose to 60%.
April 28, 2012

1.0 Million People in Poverty

More than 150,000 people in Austria do not have a bank account. A lack in financial education causes a loss of 1.0% of GDP.
April 23, 2012

Austrian Poverty Rate Unchanged

EU-SILC 2010: No increase of the at-risk-of-poverty rate due to the economic crisis; declining living conditions for the poor in a long-term perspective.
December 17, 2011

Increasing Gap in Incomes

Although Austria´s Gini coefficient is relatively low, the gap between high and low incomes becomes larger.
December 6, 2011

Poverty: 1.0 Million Austrians Endangered

In Austria, 12% of the population is endangered of poverty. About the half of this group is permanently poor.
November 14, 2011

300,000 Austrians in Poverty despite Working

The term "working poor" is an established fact in Austria. Full 6% of full-time employees are in poverty.
March 22, 2011

12% of Austrian Population at Risk of Poverty

Europe 2020 strategy against risk-of-poverty and exclusion: Every sixth person in Austria is in target population.
January 21, 2011

Social Justice shows High Levels in Austria

The Bertelsmann Foundation released a study on social justice issues in OECD countries. Austria is located among the top third.
January 4, 2011

Risk of Poverty for 12% of Austrians

By 2008, 12.4% of the Austrian populatin is threatened by poverty. The average of the EU countries amounts to 17%.
December 14, 2010