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Johannes Rauch

Swiss Novartis Opens Fastest Cell Culture Facility in Tyrol
Novartis opened a state-of-the-art cell culture facility for the production of monoclonal antibodies in Schaftenau, Tyrol.
June 24, 2024

Farewell to Brigitte Bierlein: A Role Model for Generations
Austria has bid farewell to Brigitte Bierlein, the country's first female chancellor, who passed away at the beginning of June. The funeral services began with a solemn requiem in St. Stephen's Cathedral and ended with the burial at Vienna's Central Cemetery. Bierlein was not only honored as an outstanding lawyer and politician, but also as a courageous and far-sighted woman who was always ready to take on responsibility.
June 16, 2024

Social Affairs Minister Rauch Backs Social Justice at UN Commission in New York
At this year's session of the UN Commission for Social Development in New York, Austria's Minister of Social Affairs, Johannes Rauch, emphasized the global importance of social justice for social cohesion.
February 7, 2024

Austrian Minister of Social Affairs Travels to Moldova for Working Visit
In an official trip, the Austrian Minister of Health and Social Affairs, Johannes Rauch, visits the Republic of Moldova to negotiate bilaterally with Moldovan ministerial counterparts and representatives of WHO, EU, and NGOs.
July 26, 2023

Austrian Government Aims to Increase Skilled Immigration and Address Labor Shortages
The Austrian government, led by Economy and Labor Minister Martin Kocher, plans to attract a minimum of 15,000 skilled workers from non-EU countries to Austria annually by 2027 through the Red White Red card (Rot-Weiß-Rot Karte) program.
July 18, 2023

Austria's Cooperation with EU Drugs Agency Exemplary

The European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) is the leading European institution in the field of drugs. EMCDDA Executive Director Alexis Goosdeel is meeting with the Austrian ministries responsible for drug policy issues, in particular with Health Minister Johannes Rauch and Justice Minister Alma Zadić, as part of a three-day working visit to exchange views.
March 20, 2023

Austria’s Plan for Gradually Dropping COVID Mitigations
June 30 is going to be the date when all COVID-19 Measures Will Drop in Austria. Health Minister Johannes Rauch and Constitution Minister Karoline Edtstadler confirmed this in a press conference.
February 4, 2023

New Memorial Plaque on Stubenring Commemorates Victims of the Nazi Regime

A commemorative plaque for the victims of Nazi military tribunals was unveiled today by Minister of Social Affairs Johannes Rauch, Minister of Justice Alma Zadić, Minister of Agriculture Norbert Totschnig and Minister of Labor and Economic Affairs Martin Kocher at the government building on Stubenring in Vienna.
January 23, 2023

Austria Wants to Drop all Covid-19 Mitigations
Austrian Minister of Health Johannes Rauch has said that he wants to end all Covid-19 regulations in Austria until springtime this year. This would mean the legitimate end of the Coronavirus-pandemic in the country.
January 15, 2023

Branch Office of International Vaccine Institute Will Open in Vienna
The International Vaccine Institute (IVI) will have its own branch office in Vienna. This opening intends to strengthen the production of vaccines and make the development more efficient. The importance of fast development and production of vaccines was displayed more than ever through the Coronavirus pandemic.
January 10, 2023

Austrian Minister at World Summit on Counter-Terrorism in Israel
Due to her participation in the World Counter-Terrorism Summit in Herzliya, the Austrian Minister for Europe and Constitution, Karoline Edtstadler, travelled to Israel at the weekend. As part of her speech, she presented Israeli descendants of those persecuted under National Socialism with Austrian citizenship.
September 12, 2022

Austria Wants Covid Vaccine Contracts Renegotiated
Austria's Health Minister Johannes Rauch wants to renegotiate existing CoV vaccine contracts. Rauch said he wants to negotiate more flexibility with vaccine manufacturers at the informal meeting of EU health ministers in Prague.
September 6, 2022

End of Mandatory Quarantine in Austria
The coronavirus quarantine ends in August. This was confirmed by Health Minister Johannes Rauch. Accordingly, anyone who does not feel ill can leave the house even after a positive CoV test but is subject to traffic restrictions.
July 26, 2022

Displaced Persons From Ukraine Now Have Access to Family Allowance
Families displaced from Ukraine can now apply for Austrian family allowance. As a result of this announcement, a loophole in the law has been closed, making it possible for all Ukrainians in Austria to claim social benefits. It will be introduced in the National Council on Friday.
July 8, 2022

Austria Supports Health Projects in Partner Countries in the Fight Against COVID-19

To support partner countries in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, the Austrian government made a total of 4 million euros available from the Foreign Disaster Fund at the end of June. The funds are to help Austrian NGOs abroad to implement targeted projects and vaccination campaigns.
July 4, 2022