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International Organizations Continue to Favor Austria as Their Seat

The hosting of international organizations is of great importance for Austrian foreign policy, secures 19,000 jobs and has a gross value added effect of € 1.35 billion per year.
December 13, 2021

Vienna as a Center of Diplomacy: Bid for Another International Organization

Vienna is bidding to become the European headquarters of the International Vaccine Institute, which has been based in Seoul since 1997 and is responsible for distributing vaccines to developing countries. The aim is to further strengthen Vienna as the official seat of international organizations. Cost: Fifteen million euros within 5 years. Learn more about the background, the plan and the financing of this initiative.
November 8, 2021

OFID - Austria Headquarters Agreement Updated

An amendment to the Headquarters Agreement between the OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) and Austria in respect of the privileges and immunities granted therein has revised the 1981 Convention.
June 4, 2020

Headquarters Agreement with OPEC Fund Limits Privileges and Immunities

An amendment to the Headquarters Agreement between Austria and the OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) is intended to bring the 1981 Convention up to date and comparable with modern Headquarters Agreements.
February 18, 2020

InvestInAustria - Business Location Initiative Creates Jobs and Prosperity

At "InvestInAustria" 100 international companies from 16 countries were represented. Three new investments (Heitec , Port Energy Logistic, Lasertec ) with a total investment volume of 30 million Euro could be secured and will create jobs and added value in Austria. As an output of the previous event, investments amounting to around 380 million euros were made in Austria and more than 450 jobs were created.
March 1, 2019

Vienna's Attractiveness as a Location for Business Continues to Grow

For the sixth year in a row, Vienna recorded the highest number of companies settling in the city. After Vienna had already achieved a record figure in the previous year with 178 international new additions, this was again exceeded last year with 191 new companies, which is an increase of 13%. These business establishments together are responsible for investments totalling €537 million and 1,087 new jobs. There are 344 new foreign invested businesses throughout Austria. German companies remain the number one investors in Austria.
April 30, 2018

Mitterlehner: „Settlement of Headquarters Key Question for Austria“

The Austrian Minister of Economics, Reinhold Mitterlehner, wants to push the development of the domestic location through improving framework requirements steadily.
October 4, 2011