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Plants as Climate-Friendly Air Conditioning: City of Vienna Promotes Greening of Buildings
The positive effect of green buildings on the climate is undisputed. To promote the implementation of green buildings, the City of Vienna provides generous subsidies of up to € 20,200. Interested parties can obtain free advice on this subject from Eco Counselling (DIE UMWELTBERATUNG) in Vienna.
July 23, 2023

New Rotunde Will Be Built at Vienna Prater
A New Vienna Rotunde Will be Made at Prater. The Rotunde was a monumental building that was presented at the World Expo 1873, the first Expo in Vienna. In 1937, the building caught fire and was destroyed by the flames. Today it is experiencing its renewal.
March 7, 2023

EXPO 2020 Dubai: Extraordinary Austria Pavilion Wins Multiple Awards

The Austria Pavilion at EXPO 2020 Dubai has now won yet another award. Read about the multiple awards the pavilion has won and why it is receiving so much recognition.
February 8, 2022

Expats Rank Vienna Last in Terms of "Local Friendliness"

The results of the "Expat Insider 2021" survey are in, and Vienna earned the top spot in quality of life but took last place in terms of the friendliness of the people. Read why Vienna simultaneously ranked so high and so low.
December 16, 2021

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About the America House in Vienna
The America House in Vienna is a beautiful mix of architecture and history. Learn more about the exquisite building at Friedrich-Schmidt-Platz 2 and the historical America House inside.
November 26, 2021

Dubai Expo: Which Austrian Companies Will Benefit from the Exhibition in the UAE?

Expo 2020 Dubai, which will take place in the United Arab Emirates from October 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022, is advertised above all as an opportunity for "Austrian companies to make a lasting impression with their innovative strength and creativity". The fact is that so far apparently only a handful of construction and design-related companies directly involved in the development of the Austrian pavilion financed by Austria are benefiting from the project. Which Austrian companies are involved in the project, you will find out in the following.
April 27, 2021

New York Architecture Firm to Design New Central European University Campus in Vienna

CEU has commissioned the U.S. architectural firm Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates (KPF) to renovate and develop those Otto Wagner-designed pavilions that will form the future CEU campus. KPF President James von Klemperer is an Austrian citizen. The final site of the Central European University at the Otto Wagner site is scheduled to open in 2025.
April 13, 2021

Open House: Discover Vienna's Unique Architectural History

Part of Vienna's rank as the city with the world’s best quality of livingis is its outstanding architecture and design. On 14 and 15 September 2019 about 100 buildings - many of which are normally inaccessible - will open their doors for the general public, free of charge.
September 3, 2019

See the Fascinating World of the Pyramids of Egypt in Vienna's Proximity

The pyramids of Egypt have been fascinating people since they emerged 4,600 years ago. The ancient Greeks were already standing before the Pyramids of Giza in awe and counted them among the Seven Wonders of the World. They impress with their appearance and architecture and, as part of gigantic complexes, they were the burial sites of the Egyptian kings and the elite for centuries. The exhibition “The Fascinating World of the Pyramids” at the MAMUZ Museum Mistelbach shows the perfection with which the impressive monuments were built in ancient Egypt and what influence pyramids have today on architecture, fashion and art.
June 7, 2018