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Air China

UPDATE: Current Situation for Arriving and Departing Passengers at Vienna International Airport
Flight operations at VIA Vienna International Airport (Flughafen Wien) are still restricted. The most important changes and information for arriving and departing passengers at Flughafen Wien are available below.
October 14, 2021

Vienna International Airport: Current Situation for Arriving and Departing Passengers
Before traveling through Vienna International Airport, it is important to be up to date on the current regulations regarding COVID-19. Read about entry requirements, PCR testing at the airport, and more.
July 30, 2021

Austria - China Travel Warning: High Security Risk
The Austrian Foreign Ministry has raised its travel warning level for Mainland China to "security level 4", in other words "high security risk". Austrian Airlines offers rebooking and refunding options.
February 29, 2020

No More Direct Flights Between Beijing and Vienna

Because of the coronavirus crisis, Air China has now also temporarily suspended all flights between Beijing and Vienna. AUA Austrian Airlines already suspended all flights to China on 6 February 2020 - provisionally until the end of the winter flight schedule.
February 26, 2020

Outlook - Chinese Tourists and the Destination Austria

With around 900,000 arrivals (+23%) and 1.3 million overnight stays (+25%) in 2017, China is Austria's most important Asian market of origin with the greatest growth potential. From January to July 2018, Austria also recorded record figures with around 542,000 arrivals (+ 8.2) and around 781,000 overnight stays (+ 11.5 %) from China.
October 3, 2018 · Updated: October 11, 2018; 22:55

Austrian Airlines to Offer Flights to Hong Kong Starting September 5, 2016

AUA Austrian Airlines has signed an agreement with Hong Kong authorities to ad Hong Kong International Airport to its portfolio of long-haul destinations. AUA will fly up to 5 times a week to Hong Kong as of September 5, 2016. The direct link to Vienna will also be the gateway to Eastern Europe for the Hongkongese as well as the South-Chinese business community.
March 9, 2016