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Newsletter: Vienna International News
Brexit: Austria to Receive EUR 16.8 Million to Cushion Impact

To alleviate the likely negative effects of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union, the European Commission has set up a reserve, from which EU member states will receive funding. Austria is entitled to EUR 16.8 million, while other member states, which have closer trade links to the leaving party, will receive more.

Significantly More Deaths in Austria in 2020

Due to Covid-19, deaths in Austria in the year 2020 have increased by almost 11 percent compared to 2019. Furthermore, life expectancy has decreased by about half a year for men and women in 2020. In weekly comparisons, an increase in deaths of almost 50 percent compared to the same weeks in 2019 had been observed.

Vienna Opens First Covid-19 Vaccination Line
By Monday, January 18, 2021, about 11,000 physicians, paramedics and other people working in the medical sector, will be the first ones to receive the vaccines in the so-called vaccination lines set up by the City of Vienna. All Viennese residents can pre-register for a Covid-19 vaccination starting January 18, 2021.

Kunsthistorisches Museum of Vienna Offers 3D Exhibition
The Kunsthistorisches Museum (KHM) in Vienna offers visitors a virtual tour on its collection of the famous Pieter Bruegel the Elder. The KHM has the world's largest collection of the Belgian's pieces and will be displaying the twelve works with additional information in six different languages online.

Brexit Agreement: Austria's Economy Significantly Better Off

The Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO) has issued a study in which the effects of the post-Brexit trade agreement between the United Kingdom and the European Union was compared to a no-deal scenario. The results of the study show that the Austrian economy be happy with the negotiated agreement.

Schallenberg Visits Troubled Ethiopia