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Western Balkan Countries in Austria | Bilateral Relations
Austria and the Western Balkans as a Region (Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia). See also each country individually.

Verbund and EVN Develop Hydro Power Projects in Albania

The Austrian energy companies are interested in developping hydro power projects in the Western Balkan country. The investment volume reaches € 80m.
June 6, 2012

CEE Banking Sector „Performs Well“

The Austrian Raiffeisen Centrobank sees high-growth potential in the CESEE region. Loan growth is at „healthy levels“, there are „no signs of a credit crunch“.
June 6, 2012

Downgrade for Austrian Banks

The U.S. rating agency Moody´s downgrades Erste Group, Raiffeisen Bank International and Bank Austria.
June 6, 2012

Downsizing: Hypo Group Aims to Achieve Proceeds of € 1.5bn

The nationalized Austrian banking group Hypo Group Alpe Adria starts its sales program in SEE countries and wants to achieve proceeds of € 1.5bn
May 21, 2012

Ruttenstorfer Enters Serbian Gazprom Subsidiary

The former CEO of Austrian OMV becomes a member of the supervisory board of the Serbian NIS.
May 9, 2012

Croatian Subsidiary of Alpine Said to be Insolvent

Osijek Koteks, the Croatian subsidiary of the Austrian construction group faces severe problems. According to rumors, Osijek Kotekts is illiquid.
May 8, 2012

Improved Business Atmosphere in CESEE Region

According to a survey by OeKB (Oesterreichische Kontrollbank), expectations of investors are beyond the level of January. Austrian exports to the CESEE region may increase.
May 4, 2012

Spindelegger Calls for “More Europe” for Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina must still do some homework in order to be able to apply for EU membership still this year, the Austrian Minister of Foreign Affairs says.
May 4, 2012

Telekom Austria Interested in Kosovo´s PTK

The Austrian telecommunication service provider still shows interest in taking over the Kosovo-based telecommunication company PTK. Last year, the sale was stopped.
May 4, 2012

Austria to Intensify Cooperation with Croatia

The Austrian Minister of Economics met his Croatian counterpart in Vienna. Above all, the EU-accession and investments were discussed.
April 24, 2012

Agrana Aims for Expansion into Balkan Region

The Austrian sugar and starch company Agrana is looking for acquisition targets in the Western Balkans.
April 23, 2012

EVN Expands into Serbia

EVN subsidiary WTE Wassertechnik GmbH wins the contract for construction of a drinking water treatment plant in Zrenjanin, Serbia.
April 19, 2012

OMV´s Petrol Stations: Potential Buyers in Sight

The Austrian oil and gas company OMV plans to sell its petrol stations in Croatia and Bosnia. Local investors show interest.
April 17, 2012

Strabag to Expand in Danube Region

In order to develop the Danube region of Hungary, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria and Ukraine, the Austrian construction group expands its hydraulic engineering business.
April 12, 2012

Waldner: “Serbia Needs to Continue its Approach to the EU Unwaveringly”

Wolfgang Waldner, Austrian State Secretary is on a working visit in Belgrade.
April 12, 2012

Alpine to Rebuild Railway in Macedonia

The € 7m contract to be fully financed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
April 11, 2012

Lutz Continues Expansion Program

The world´s second largest furniture house intends to grow in Eastern and Southeastern Europe.
April 7, 2012

Steiermärkische Interested in Hypo Group´s Subdidiary

The head of Austrian regional bank Steiermärkische Sparkasse said he was interested in buying some Balkan assets from nationalized lender Hypo Group Alpe Adria, a newspaper reported.
April 3, 2012

Macedonia: Austria Still the Biggest Investor

Foreign direct investments of € 303m entered Macedonia last year, said the National Bank of Macedonia. The biggest investor in Macedonia is still Austria with € 77.21m.
March 28, 2012

EVN Raises Investments in Croatia

The Austrian energy company expects the beginning of a market consolidation in Croatia. Investments are rising.
March 21, 2012

Serbia: Promising Market for Austrian Construction Industry

The Western Balkan state Serbia invests massively in the modernization of its infrastructure. This year, the civil engineering sector will grow by 20%.
March 19, 2012

Croatian Banks: Rise in NPL Ends

Croatian banks do not expect any further hike in the level of bad loans, which surpassed 12 percent at the end of 2011, the national banking association HUB said.
March 19, 2012

RHI Has Growth Plans

The Austrian producer of fireproof ceramics puts effort into growth. Major investments and acquisitions are planned.
March 7, 2012

Uniqa Aims for Growth in CESEE Region

The Austrian insurance group wants to sell stakes by the minority shareholders of subsidiaries in Eastern Europe. The capital increase is scheduled for 2013.
March 5, 2012

RHI Eyes Serbia’s Magnohrom

RHI, the Austrian maker of fire- proofing ceramics, is interested in Magnohrom, Serbia’s sole basic refractory product manufacturer, Privatization Agency chief Vladislav Cvetkovic said.
March 3, 2012

Austrian Economy Appreciates Serbian Approach to EU

Serbia officially became candidate for the EU-access. Christoph Leitl, President of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce, emphasized the importance of the “European perspective” for Serbia.
March 2, 2012

Saubermacher Leaves Croatia

The Austrian waste treatment acquired a stake in the largest Croatian waste management company. Now, the stake is sold again.
February 29, 2012

Merger of Nabucco-TANAP Discussed

Members of the gas pipeline projects Nabucco and TANAP talk about a merger in Vienna. The Turkish Minister of Energy participates therein.
February 28, 2012

CSC Establishes its CEE Headquarters in Vienna

The U.S. IT service supplier CSC upgrades the Viennese subsidiary as regional headquarters for ten countries.
February 22, 2012

Sberbank Upgrades VBI´s Headquarter in Vienna

After the acquisition of the Austrian VBI, the Russian bank wants to expand massively in Europe.
February 20, 2012

CEO of PlusCity Increases Engagement in Croatian Westgate

Ernst Kirchmayr, CEO of the Upper-Austrian shopping center has raised his stake in the Zagreb-based shopping center “Westgate”.
February 8, 2012

Montana Tech Components Acquires Croatian Aluminum Companies

The Austrian financial investor MTC takes over the two largest aluminum companies in Croatia. Turnover of the acquisition targets amount to € 240m.
February 6, 2012

Enso Hydro Looking for Hydro Power Plants in SEE

The Austrian hydro power specialist aims for collecting € 70m of Deutsche Bank´s subsidiary DWS. Currently, enso hydro searches for new hydro power projects.
February 1, 2012

Hypo Group to Cut Jobs

The Austrian Hypo Group Alpe Adria continues its downsizing program. 800 employees will be laid-off.
February 1, 2012

New Tax Burden for Telekom Austria

Telekom Austria has to pay tax on mobile network services in Croatia.
January 30, 2012

3E Group Grows in Eastern Europe

The Austrian building material company´s revenues were up by 3.2% in 2011. Total sales reached € 546m.
January 30, 2012

Hypo Group´s Result „Close to Zero“

CEO Gottwald Kranebitter announced that Hypo Group Alpe Adria could reduce its losses significantly in 2011.
January 30, 2012

Good Export Chances in SEE Region

The Austrian Chamber of Commerce regards South-Eastern Europe as growth region. Importance for the Austrian export industry is seen to increase.
January 28, 2012

Lutz Enters Croatia

The Austrian furniture store group opens its largest center in the SEE region. Market leader Ikea follows in autumn 2012.
January 26, 2012

Leitl: „Croatians are Most Welcome“

The President of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce is looking forward to Croatia´s EU accession in 2013.
January 23, 2012

Austrian Banks Hold € 18bn in Foreign Sovereign Bonds

At the end of October 2011, the exposure of Austrian banks in foreign sovereign bonds was € 18.1bn. The largest volumes are invested in Poland and Italy.
January 19, 2012

OMV to Sell Petrol Stations in Croatia and Bosnia

The Russian oil company Zarubezhneft is interested in OMV´s Bosnian and Croatian petrol stations.
January 18, 2012

Erste Group Provides Major Loan to Telekom Serbia

The Austrian bank commits € 140m to Telekom Serbia as part of a recent syndicated loan taken by the company. Erste Group acted as joint mandated lead arranger, underwriter and bookrunner.
January 18, 2012

Porr: Capital Increase Flows Smoothly

According to Porr´s CEO Karl Heinz Strauss, the Austrian construction group raises ist capital within the next 60 days. Operating business is performing well, Strauss says.
January 16, 2012

Telekom Austria Faces New Taxes in Croatia

Croatia re-introduces extraordinary taxes for telecommunication operators. The local government is criticized by Telekom Austria and the EU.
January 13, 2012

VIG Has „No Problems in Hungary“

“We are an insurance group and not a bank.”, said the management of Vienna Insurance Group. Nevertheless, the developments are observed thoroughly.
January 11, 2012

Wettpunkt Invests in Croatia

The Austrian betting company expands its operations in Croatia. Investments of € 10m were announced.
January 4, 2012

Styrian Mining Company Causes Problems for Austrian Banks

The Austrian mining company Decometal has debts reaching € 250m. Now, the company will be restructured. Loans must be extended.
December 28, 2011

Serbia Tries Privatization Again

After the privatization of Telekom Srbija has failed in spring 2011, the Serbian government tries again. Telekom Austria could still show interest.
December 19, 2011

Uniqa Grows Quickly in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The insurance company’s premium volume increased by 14% in the first three quarters of the year.
December 16, 2011