Vienna International Centre Adopts Security Measures against the Coronavirus
In order to ensure the security of the approximately 5000 international diplomats, scientists and support staff working at the VIC, the heads of the 4 largest organizations UN in Vienna/UNODC, IAEA, UNIDO and CTBTO PrepCom have today decided on a number of the following measures.

The heads of the four largest Vienna-based organizations at the Vienna International Centre (VIC) today announced a series of measures to reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection for all those people at the VIC, and particularly vulnerable groups.
The most vulnerable groups are people over 65 and those with health problems who are at higher risk.
"The health of employees and visitors to the VIC remains a top priority," says a press release from UNIS United Nations Information Service.
The measures are as follows:
- As part of the measures affecting the public, the Visitors Service of the UN Information Service (UNIS) has suspended guided tours and lecture programmes.
- Private visitors are not allowed to enter the VIC.
- As a general rule, meetings and events with more than 100 people will not be held.
The measures will take effect immediately, until further notice.
The four largest organizations based at the VIC are the United Nations Office at Vienna/UNODC United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency, UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization and the CTBTO PrepCom - Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization.